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Showing 421-430 of 657 results

Colombian glass workers fight union-busting

16 June, 2012Affiliates of IndustriALL Global Union have been asked to act at a critical moment for our glass worker affiliate in Colombia, Sintravidricol, they've been asked to write to the US-based glass packaging manufacturer Owens Illinois to protest their union-busting at the Cogua Cundimarca plant, the largest in Colombia.

IndustriALL joins with Ssangyong workers in demand for justice

10 October, 2012In 2009 the South Korean government shocked the international community by its use of lethal force against the Ssangyong Motor workers. At the time, the workers were in a 77-day sit-down strike calling for negotiations on work-sharing measures to avoid mass dismissals.

IndustriALL and UAW demand justice for Ssangyong workers

10 October, 2012Three years since the shocking violence at Ssangyong Motor in Korea, with more than 100 subsequent imprisonments and 23 deaths, workers and their families are demanding justice.

Zimbabwe’s electricity utility continues to frustrate workers

4 October, 2012Whilst progress has been slow, suspended workers are being reinstated through the efforts of the Zimbabwe Electricity Workers Union (ZEWU).

FID challenges IAM Gold dismissals in Burkina Faso

11 October, 2012Federation des Industries Diverses du Burkina (FID), an IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, will represent 61 of the 74 workers dismissed by IAM Gold on 10 May 2012 at the labour court.

LafargeHolcim locks out and illegally replaces workers in Canada

9 November, 2016LafargeHolcim management in British Columbia, Canada, has locked out approximately 70 members of the United Steelworkers, USW Local 816, since 17 October at the Texada Quarrying Ltd. limestone mine.

Breakthrough for Ansell workers in Sri Lanka

18 August, 2016IndustriALL Global Union and its Sri Lankan affiliate the Free Trade Zones and General Services Employees Union (FTZGSEU) have finalized a Memorandum of Understanding with Ansell, putting an end to a long-running dispute with the multinational glove and personal protection equipment company.

EU must address Sri Lanka’s labour violations before granting trade preferences, says IndustriALL

2 December, 2016IndustriALL Global Union, Clean Clothes Campaign (CCC) and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) are calling on the European Union to adopt a roadmap to improve labour rights in Sri Lanka before the country can benefit from preferential access to European markets.

IndustriALL tells Iranian government: Hands off May Day

27 April, 2015The Iranian government is cracking down against workers organizing May Day celebrations. IndustriALL Global Union supports the brave Iranian unions operating in face of intimidation and arrests to mark the international workers’ day.

Union busting in Cambodia

30 August, 2023Shun Xin Luggage Industry in Cambodia is refusing to renew the employment contracts of eight members of Collective Movement of Workers (CUMW) after they formed a local union.