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Mauritian unions mobilize against increasing casualization of labor in the private sector

18 marzo, 2013In Mauritius, new employment legislation adopted in 2009 led to deregulation of the labor market and a massive expansion of contract work.

Indonesian trade unionists jailed fighting precarious work

4 abril, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Indonesian affiliate the FPE-SBSI is campaigning for the rights of outsourced contract workers at state-owned mine and energy companies PLN and Pertamina. In retaliation to the campaign workers have been sacked and even jailed.

Unity and cooperation encouraged in Zimbabwe

21 marzo, 2013Zimbabwean affiliates met to discuss challenges they face in union building amid tensions in the country over the referendum for a new constitution; a reminder of the on-going political difficulties faced by labour.

South African Unilever workers’ solidarity for Dutch colleagues

21 marzo, 2013Members of the IndustriALL-affiliated CEPPWAWU trade union in South Africa conducted a one and a half day work stoppage on 15 and 18 March, in a strong demonstration of international solidarity with Unilever workers in the Netherlands whose jobs have been outsourced.

Unions strike in Poland against government policy

28 marzo, 2013Up to 100,000 workers in the industrial Silesia region of Poland went on strike in the morning of 26 March in protest over the government's labour, health and education policies.

Walmart/Gap Bangladesh safety plan: pale imitation of Accord

10 julio, 2013IndustriALL and UNI, reacting to the announcement by Walmart and Gap today of another toothless corporate auditing programme for Bangladesh factory safety, stated that these companies are only repeating the mistakes of the past.

Belgium ends historic discrimination between white and blue-collar workers

11 julio, 2013The Constitutional Court in Belgium has decreed that the status of blue and white-collar workers need to be harmonized, urging the government to eliminate the discrimination between the two types of workers.

Electrolux pledges full reinstatement of Thai union leaders

4 julio, 2013IndustriALL, IF Metall and Electrolux management have reached an additional agreement for full reinstatement of the suspended union leaders and withdrawal of the court case against them.

Symbolic Napoleón Gómez victory moves IndustriALL

6 diciembre, 2013In both opening and closing this week’s Executive Committee, to resounding applause from the EC members, President Huber welcomed Napoleón Gómez Urrutia to address the EC in person. This was Napoleón's his first trip outside Canada since he was forced into exile in 2005.

International labour movement campaigns for oil workers in Kazakhstan

12 diciembre, 2013On 10 December, Human Rights Day, national and global union organizations together with the Association for Human Rights in Central Asia and web resource LabourStart launched a campaign for release of seven oil workers held in custody since 2012.