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2 juillet, 2018The global agreement exists thanks to the commitment of all negotiating parties. It is the result of a collaborative negotiation process involving 11 national union federations for companies within the EDF Group and global union federations, IndustriALL Global Union and PSI. The 13 federations are signatories to the agreement which encompasses a number of significant and innovative commitments to social responsibility.

Hisanobu Shimada

14 juin, 2012Hisanobu ShimadaVice-PresidentHisanobu Shimada was elected as Vice-President of IndustriALL Global Union at its founding Congress on 19 June 2012.


25 mai, 2012German-based company Leoni, covering 18,000 employees at 50 production facilities in more than 20 countries is partnered with IndustriALL through the "Declaration on Social Rights and Industrial Relations at Leoni".

IndustriALL targets mining giant Rio Tinto

26 juin, 2012One week after its creation, IndustriALL Global Union announced its intention to shine a light on Rio Tinto’s unethical behavior around the world, starting with the release of a report on the company’s operations in Africa.

Heroes form new global union

19 juin, 2012Union delegates attending the founding of the new 50 million member IndustriALL Global Union are setting up a family of human rights heroes fighting for the rights of working people everywhere.


25 mai, 2012A declaration on Principles of Social Responsibility exists with German-based engineering company GEA, specialized in process technology, thermal and energy technology as well as air treatment and dairy farm systems.


25 mai, 2012Italy's three national metalworkers' unions, the FIM, FIOM and UILM, also representing the International Metalworkers' Federation (IMF) - signed an Global Framework Agreement with Merloni Elettrodomestici S.p.A. (now Indesit) in December 2001.

Union victory at MAS-DAF

30 août, 2012Birlesik Metal-Is achieved a victory in the long running dispute at MAS-DAF with a court decision on 15 June stating that the dismissal of 104 Birlesik Metal-Is members in April 2011 was unjustified.

Zimbabwean electricity utility continues to deny workers rights

30 août, 2012ZESA continues in its effort to have the electricity workers abandon their wage increases in exchange for the reinstatement of suspended workers, despite an order from the Minister of Energy for ZESA to uphold the arbitration award granting the increase.

Justice for Korean workers at Hyundai Kia Motors

22 août, 2012Korean Metal Workers’ Union (KMWU) stages a series of strikes demanding higher wages, regularization of precarious workers and the abolishment of night shift work, which is causing serious danger to workers’ health.