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Malagasy unionists arrested over QMM protests must be released!

19 July, 2023From 26 June to 3 July, Madagascar’s independence days, communities from the villages surrounding the Rio Tinto subsidiary QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) mining site at Mandena in Toalagnaro (Fort Dauphin) protested inadequate financial compensation on loss of livelihoods, water pollution, and community exclusion from consultations when the mining licence was renewed by the government. In dispersing the protestors, the police and gendarmerie used disproportionate force which saw ten demonstrators injured and over 80 arrested and imprisoned, including five trade unionists.

Precarious work abuse risks denounced at Rio Tinto

21 December, 2015IndustriALL has been reaching out to investors to engage Rio Tinto in limiting precarious work and improving the working conditions of precarious workers.

Warning strikes at BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto mine in Chile

25 September, 2014Workers at the Escondida mine and its port, Coloso, in Chile, went on strike at 8am on 22 September after members of Union Number 1 voted to stop work in response to the constant violations of Chilean law by the mine’s multinational owners, BHP Billiton and Río Tinto and the Chilean authorities’ failure to make the companies comply with the country’s legislation.

Another mining accident in Chile shows need to ratify ILO C176

1 November, 2016Another fatal mining accident in Chile stresses the need for the government to ratify ILO Convention 176, on health and safety in mines.

Launch of global campaign against Rio Tinto in Cape Town

13 February, 2014On 6 February the Rio Tinto Global Union Network drew hundreds of participants to a rally against mining corporation Rio Tinto.

Unions at Rio Tinto gear up for global day of action

14 August, 2014Union leaders from seven countries at mining giant Rio Tinto came together at the United Steelworkers Convention this week to discuss plans for their upcoming global day of action.

Rio Tinto complicit in Grasberg mine accident

31 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union is appalled at the deafening silence of Rio Tinto on the deadly Grasberg copper mine accident that has claimed the lives of 28 mine workers.

IndustriALL Executive Committee pays homage to Marcello Malentacchi

29 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee grieves for Marcello Malentacchi and the 1,127 Bangladeshi garment workers killed at Rana Plaza, while welcoming the binding Accord with the leading clothing brands on fire and building safety.

Canada – USW successfully reduces layoffs at Rio Tinto

16 June, 2015Following a mass rally in May, trade union at Rio Tinto majority owned Iron Ore Company of Canada has managed to reduce the number of planned layoffs from 150 to 95 workers.

Safety first? Another fatality at Rio Tinto

4 February, 2015A worker was killed at Rio Tinto’s mining operations in Madagascar on 28 January, less than a week after a fatality at Rio Tinto’s minority-owned mine in Indonesia.