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Showing 31-40 of 48 results

Another worker killed at LafargeHolcim operation in India

29 January, 2018***UPDATE*** On 30 January, just few days after the killing of the contract worker Arun Singh at LafargeHolcim another similar incident happened again at the same factory. According to the union representative Vijay Thakre this time fortunately no worker was injured, but the incident poses serious doubts about effectiveness of health and safety policies of the company.

One worker killed and six injured at Holcim in India

1 December, 2021One worker was killed and five other injured at Marwar cement plant in Nagaur district of Rajasthan, India on 18 November 2021. Another worker was seriously injured in Maratha Cement Works in Maharashtra on 11 November 2021. Both plants are owned by Holcim subsidiary, Ambuja cement.

Unions mount pressure on LafargeHolcim

1 July, 2015Unions from all over the world launch a series of actions to combat LafargeHolcim’s resistance and make them start a genuine dialogue with workers and their representatives. Sign the online petition to support LafargeHolcim workers fighting for their rights.

Lafarge and Holcim workers mobilize for health and safety

30 April, 2015Lafarge and Holcim, the world’s biggest players in the cement industry preparing to merge, have been struck by mobilizations and actions of workers and their unions across the globe.

Mega merger in cement sector alarms workers

25 July, 2014As cement giants Holcim and Lafarge are merging, IndustriALL Global Union and the European Federation of Building and Wood Workers (EFBWW) met this week with the European Works Council (EWC) restricted committees from the two companies to discuss the situation.

IndustriALL urges Holcim shareholders to push for workers' rights

4 May, 2022Holcim has declared a zero-harm target for the workers creating the company wealth, but the reality paints a very different picture. As one of the world's biggest cement producers holds its annual general meeting, unions are calling on Holcim to take responsibility for its workers, regardless of employment status, and recognize the global unions as legitimate partners.

LafargeHolcim message heard “Workers’ rights are human rights”

15 December, 2016LafargeHolcim workers, shop stewards, works councils and trade unions across the globe held actions on the occasion of International Human Rights Day on 10 December demanding the cement giant LafargeHolcim to respect human rights.

USW cement workers in Canada reach agreement with LafargeHolcim

11 May, 2016After several months of struggle and a three-month strike, cement workers at LafargeHolcim in Saint-Constant, Canada have won the battle in a conflict with the multinational cement producer.

Global Unions and LafargeHolcim to develop Global Framework Agreement

2 February, 2017Global trade unions represented by IndustriALL Global Union and Building and Wood Worker's International (BWI) met with representatives of LafargeHolcim on 23 January 2017 to launch the process for developing a Global Framework Agreement.

High time for Holcim and Lafarge to respect workers’ rights

8 January, 2015In 2014 the top two cement producers in the world, Holcim and Lafarge, announced their merger to be completed by mid-2015. The new company would employ some 130,000 workers and have a turnover of Euro 35 billion.