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Showing 451-460 of 600 results

Shell’s hidden shame - Contract workers on the poverty line in Nigeria

5 December, 2018Oscar Tamuno*, a driver for major Shell contractor, Plantgeria, has not had a wage increase in eight years. After paying taxes, pension contributions and union dues, he takes home 94,000 naira a month (US$258) working a 12-hour day, six days a week. And yet, Oscar is better off than many of his co-workers.* Not his real name.

Colombian union leaders receive death threats

16 May, 2019Leaders of Colombian mining unions Sintracarbón, which is an affiliate of IndustriALL Global Union, and Sintramienergética received death threats after they met with Dutch members of parliament and representatives of Glencore, Cerrejon and Drummond.

IndustriALL investigation uncovers exploitation of Shell workers in Nigeria

24 October, 2018A new report from a fact-finding mission by IndustriALL Global Union has revealed the shocking exploitation of contract workers at Shell oil and gas operations in Nigeria. 

Korean unionists alert world to deaths at Hyundai shipyards

18 November, 2015Trade unionists from Korea travelled 9,000 kilometres to Geneva, Switzerland to attend the United Nations Forum on Business and Human Rights this week. They want to tell the world about the workers dying in the yards of the planet’s biggest shipbuilder, Hyundai Heavy Industries (HHI). 

Still no justice, ten years after the Pasta de Conchos homicide

18 February, 2016Ten years after the mining homicide at Pasta de Conchos, Mexico, the government has still not conducted a thorough investigation into the real causes of the disaster, brought those responsible to justice, recovered the bodies or compensated the families of the victims.

Brazil: National strike defending workers’ rights

14 November, 2016On 11 November, unions affiliated to the CUT and the Força Sindical, both IndustriALL affiliates, organized a national strike in defence of workers' rights

Cambodia: garment workers killed on their way to work

14 January, 2016Five people were killed and at least 68 more were injured when two trucks carrying workers collided in Cambodia's Kompong Spue province on 12 January.

Joint commitment to prevent workplace sexual harassment by IndustriALL, IUF and Unilever

27 January, 2016Sexual harassment is a universal problem, both at the workplace and outside of it. It can damage lives and careers, cause lasting psychological, social and career damage and gravely undermine the working environment. 

Colombia: IndustriALL backs Sintracarbon’s fight for a fair deal

3 March, 2016A sector in crisis should promote dialogue and cooperation instead of using the crisis as a pretext to get rid of acquired rights. This is IndustriALL Global Union’s message to Cerrejon, on the eve of a strike vote provoked by the company’s refusal to negotiate a collective agreement.

Union calls for ratification of ILO Convention 176 after explosion kills 13 and destroys Ghana village

28 January, 2022A truck carrying mining explosives from Tarkwa to Chirano Gold Mines was involved in a road accident on 20 January. The impact of the crash led to an explosion that killed 13 people and injured over 50 others in the mining community of Appiatse.