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Showing 411-420 of 478 results

Somalia Actions

10 October, 2013On 7 October, an affiliate of the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the Federation of Somali Trade Unions (FESTU), , and its affiliated trade unions commemorated the World Day for Dec

STOP Precarious Work 2013

25 October, 2013On the World Day for Decent Work (WDDW) on 7 October, IndustriALL affiliates mobilized around the world to draw attention to the negative impacts of precarious work. The campaign for better laws and collective agreements continues.

Shipbuilding and shipbreaking unions will focus on organizing Precarious Workers

20 November, 2013At IndustriALL Global Union’s Shipbuilding-shipbreaking Action group meeting on 12-14 November in Denmark, unions prioritized their activities on organizing and fighting precarious work and will start mapping Multinational Coorporation’s (MNC) in order to the possibilities of creating new trade union networks.

Union changes status of precarious workers at Siemens, India

16 December, 2014In early December, 40 precarious workers at a Siemens factory in India received permanent contracts after negotiations between the trade union and management.

FUP Women’s Network at Petrobras meets in Salvador

2 May, 2014The Brazilian oil workers’ union FUP has a women’s network and collective at Petrobras. On 25 – 27 April they met for the second time in Salvador. The meeting was held against the background of right wing attacks against the national oil company Petrobras, attacks which are multiplying in the election year. The conference was attended by around 60 women.

Solidarity in the face of BHP’s race to the bottom

18 October, 2019IndustriALL, together with London Mining Network, International Transport Federation, Unite the Union and others, joined forces in a joint demonstration ahead of the mining giant’s annual general meeting in London, calling on BHP to stop replacing permanent jobs with less stable, lower paid contract work.

Leading apparel brands urge Peru to repeal harmful law

5 March, 2013Leading US apparel companies sourcing from Peru have urged the government to demonstrate its support for decent work by supporting the repeal of legislation allowing suppliers to employ workers on short-term contracts.

Textiles is the sector most threatened by precarious work in Argentina

23 May, 2013A well-attended workshop for Argentinean affiliates on precarious work was held on 17 May. It examined the situation of workers in various industrial sectors.

STOP Precarious Work Materials

14 June, 2013Download posters and Leaflets for the STOP Precarious Work campaign here

Canada Actions

8 October, 2013UNIFOR: On 7 October it will be newly formed UNIFOR’s first year marking WDDW. See Unifor’s 7 October statement, calling for a “Good Jobs Revolution” in Canada.