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Showing 21-30 of 277 results

Pakistan: Shipbreaking workers win wage increase

14 August, 2017Shipbreaking Workers Union Gadani (SBWUG) called off their strike on 4 August after negotiations with the employers association yielded significant results, including a wage increase.

3,000 white-collar paper workers in Finland to strike

12 January, 2018***UPDATE*** On Monday 15 January, IndustriALL Global Union's Finnish affilaite, Pro, scored a victory after steadfast resistance from its members. Both trade union Pro and employers’ association, Finnish Forest Industries, approved the mediation proposal of the National Conciliator for the paper sector’s white-collar employees to increase salaries, and all strike actions were immediately cancelled. Pro succeeded in securing a pay rise for workers and resisted employers' demands to weaken the industry-wide collective agreement. 

23,000 Leoni workers in Tunisia receive record wage increase

22 September, 2021Workers at Leoni, one of Tunisia’s largest employers, will receive a retroactive wage increase of six per cent for 2020 and an 8.5 per cent increase for 2021. Unions in the country say the increase is the result of a mature and healthy social dialogue. 

Bangladesh’s Employment Injury Scheme to include commuting accidents

27 May, 2024In a groundbreaking effort, the employment injury scheme, piloted in the readymade garment (RMG) sector in Bangladesh, will also include commuting accidents as part of industrial accidents eligible for compensation payout.

Union wins agreement at Saint-Gobain subsidiary

30 January, 2019After a twelve-day strike, Turkish union Kristal-İş has signed a collective bargaining agreement with İzocam, which includes major benefits, extra paid leave, increased allowances and a significant wage increase.

Union win for Turkish workers

16 June, 2022Nearly five years after they were fired for joining a union, a Turkish court has ruled in favour of the 80 workers dismissed in 2017 and that that Birleşik Metal İş is the representative union in the workplace.

Turkish union signs CBA with auto parts supplier after international solidarity

31 March, 2022IndustriALL Global Union affiliate Petrol-İş has signed a collective bargaining agreement (CBA) with Safe Demo Plastik after a ten-year organizing campaign with global support.

Union solidarity leads to significant pay rise

13 February, 2023Unions at Chinese-owned ZiJin Bor copper mine in Serbia has signed a collective agreement with a 15 per cent wage increase. The win was made possible through strong solidarity among all unions and workers in the company.

Garment workers, suppliers and ACT brands agree on Freedom of Association Guideline

15 November, 2019After eight months of negotiations, factories producing for ACT brands in Myanmar have agreed on a Myanmar Freedom of Association (FoA) Guideline with IndustriALL affiliate Industrial Workers’ Federation of Myanmar (IWFM).

Georgian thermal power plant workers gain wage increase after strike

14 November, 2019After a six-day strike by workers of the Tbilisi hydroelectric power plant, the Georgian Trade Union of Energy Workers, an IndustriALL affiliate, reached an agreement with the employer to increase wages and start collective bargaining.