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There is still a gender pay gap

18 September, 2024International Equal Pay Day, celebrated on 18 September, represents the longstanding efforts towards the achievement of equal pay for work of equal value. The gender pay gap persists globally, averaging 20 percent despite equal pay laws and widespread ratification of the ILO Equal Remuneration Convention. This gap stems from entrenched gender inequalities in society, the economy, and the labour market. Closing the gender pay gap is one of the ways to achieve social and economic justice for women.

South East Asia youth calls for integration in union training

17 September, 2024Young unionists from South East Asia met in Manila,14 September, and called on trade unions to recognize youth as catalyst for change and provide a 20 percent youth quota in routine union training.

33,000 Boeing workers on strike

16 September, 2024On 12 September, 33,000 workers at Boeing. Co, American aerospace giant, downed tools, demanding better wages, pensions, and healthcare. The workers, represented by the International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM), an IndustriALL affiliate, rejected a contract offering a 25 percent pay raise over a period of four years. 

Smurfit Kappa workers in Peru strike for a living wage

16 September, 2024Union members at Smurfit Kappa Peru have been on strike since 6 September, demanding a living wage.

Worker at ArcelorMittal Brazil suffers electric shock

16 September, 2024A young worker at ArcelorMittal’s João Monlevade site in Brazil suffered an electric shock that left him unconscious and caused him to lose an arm. The accident on 9 September is not an isolated incident, as ArcelorMittal systematically fails to prioritize occupational health and safety, as countless workers face dangerous conditions and life-altering accidents.

Deadly explosion at shipyard in Bangladesh

13 September, 2024On 7 September, a deadly explosion claimed the lives of four workers and seriously injured more than ten others at a ship recycling yard in Bangladesh compliant with the Hong Kong Convention.

ArcelorMittal trade union global action day: stop deaths at work NOW!

13 September, 2024Today, trade unions at ArcelorMittal sites across the globe are coming together in light of the mounting death toll at the company’s sites to say enough is enough!

ILO report highlights IndustriALL C190 work

13 September, 2024A recent report by the International Labour Organization (ILO), entitled: Violence and Harassment in the World of Work, shines a crucial spotlight on the escalating issue of workplace violence, with a particular focus on responses to rising levels of violence and harassment since the COVID-19 pandemic and how unions adapted and shifted their negotiations to include responses to the pandemic while continuing to implement their strategies relating to both the ratification and full implementation of the Convention (C190).

Coal mine workers demand a just energy transition

12 September, 2024100 miners a day face job cuts as industry winds down coal. IndustriALL Global Union’s coal mining affiliates are set to challenge the coal mining industry and policy makers on the lackluster response to the grave implication of the climate change imperative to transition to a low carbon energy economy on coal mineworkers ‘s jobs, local community livelihoods and heavily coal dependent economies.

Solidarity in Malmö as Ford workers join Tesla picket line

12 September, 2024In a show of solidarity, a delegation from Germany joined striking Tesla workers in Malmö on 10 September. The group of representatives from Ford Cologne’s works council, met with workers and union leaders to support their ongoing struggle for fair labour practices at Tesla's service centers in Sweden.