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Showing 4401-4410 of 5738 results

Gender equality must be a priority

7 June, 2023Gender equality that ensures women have their share of well-paying jobs, and receive equal pay for work of equal value. All workers should enjoy equal rights, yet female and young workers remain subject to discrimination resulting in many being denied their fundamental rights. IndustriALL fights their discrimination at work by promoting their fairer and stronger participation in trade unions. Women must have equal pay, equal opportunities, and safe working environments.  

Gunmen murder union leaders and workers in Honduras

5 July, 2023A group of gunmen murdered thirteen people in Honduras, including four union leaders and several workers from the Gildan plant in San Miguel. IndustriALL has strongly condemned the killings and has called for justice to be done without delay.

Unionists demand all charges against jailed Belarusian trade union leaders be dropped

15 June, 2023Today global unions, trade union activists and delegates in attendance at the 111th International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva gathered at the Broken Chair to call for the immediate release of imprisoned Belarusian trade unionists and an end to the repression of workers’ rights.

Affiliates in South Asia call for a united struggle

23 February, 2023IndustriALL Global Union’s general secretary, Atle Høie's, visit to South Asia comes at a time when the region is grappling with the rising cost of living and the erosion of workers’ rights. Anti-worker labour policies and governments’ unwillingness to engage with trade unions underlines the current struggle of IndustriALL affiliates in the region. 

Unions negotiate a 28 per cent minimum wage increase

20 March, 2023Unions in Pakistan's Punjab province, including IndustriALL affiliates, have successfully negotiated a 28 per cent raise in the minimum wage for workers employed across 102 industries in the province.

Unions in Japan play key role in promoting due diligence

20 February, 2023IndustriALL Global Union together with, Japanese affiliate, UA ZENSEN, held a series of meetings with Japanese global brands and retailers from 13-17 February. The aim was to highlight the need for continued vigilance of human and worker rights in the global supply chain, and the importance of supply chain industrial relations.

Decent jobs for women and equal access to new technology

6 March, 2023Today it is the start of the 67th session of the United Nations Commission of Statutes of Women. This year focuses on innovation and technological change, and education in the digital age for achieving gender equality and the empowerment of all women and girls. Global unions are demanding a guarantee for decent jobs for women and equal access for all to new technologies.

Attack on workers’ rights in India

30 March, 2023In a cabinet meeting on 17 March, the Maharashtra state government approved rules drafted under the anti-worker Industrial Relations Code passed by the Indian government in 2020.

Malawi energy utility suspends 14 striking workers over wage dispute

14 December, 2023On 7 December over a thousand workers marched and staged a sit-in at the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) operations in the cities of Blantyre, Lilongwe, and Mzuzu to protest a pittance wage offer.  

Iranian workers pause strike as employer pledges to meet demands

6 February, 2024After suspending their strike and then going back on it due to failed promises, Iranian steel workers have again suspended the strike after employers have committed to their demands, which include alignment of salaries with other steel companies, implementation of a job classification plan and reinstating dismissed workers.