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Showing 41-50 of 190 results

Tell PKC to reinstate workers in Mexico

11 February, 2013Join the global campaign for union rights in Mexico and send a message via LabourStart now to PKC, a Finnish auto-parts supplier, calling for the reinstatement of sacked workers and a free and fair election.

Mexican Corona beer bottlers’ mobilization attacked

7 February, 2013The 26 January demonstration by IndustriALL Global Union’s Mexican glass worker affiliate SUTEIVP, in front of the Corona beer bottle manufacturing plant that sacked them for union activities five years ago, was physically attacked by representatives of the local yellow union.

Take action in solidarity with Mexican Bata workers

18 February, 2013Send letters of solidarity to a group of workers in Mexico at Calzado Sandak, a subsidiary of the Bata Shoe Company, which attempted eighteen months ago to close its unionized plant illegally and shift production to homeworkers or small workshops.

Meaningful commitments at Geneva Mexican Embassy meeting

19 February, 2013International trade union leaders held constructive talks with senior Labour Ministry officials at the Mexican Mission to the United Nations in Geneva, on 19 February. The meeting achieved the opening of a new channel of dialogue with the international trade unions, dealing with labour issues.

ITUC and Belgian trade union centres at Mexican Embassy

28 February, 2013Representatives of the Belgian trade union centres and the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) met on 22 February with Hermann Aschentrupp, head of chancery at the Mexican embassy in Belgium.

Swedes mark Mexico days of action

28 February, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Swedish-based affiliate IF Metall, representing 370,000 blue collar workers in mining, metal, chemical and textile sectors, marked the international days of action for trade union rights in Mexico with a comprehensive meeting with the Mexican Ambassador to Sweden, Jorge Lomónaco, and a strong letter to President Peña Nieto, putting forward demands in line with the international campaign.

Seven workers killed at Grupo Modelo plant in Mexico

10 April, 2013On Sunday 7 April, a group of employees of the Mexican brewery, Grupo Modelo, realized that seven workers had not clocked out. They went to the area where they had been working and found their colleagues dead in a 15 to 20 m deep tank.

Honda worker killed in Mexico

11 April, 2013On 27 March, IndustriALL Global wrote to management at Honda Mexico's El Salto plant in Jalisco, including the head of its health and safety department, to condemn the death of Armando Arana Torres, a victim of unsafe working conditions.

Victory! Napoleon Gomez taken off Interpol red alert list

11 April, 2013Finally the sham case keeping the head of Mexico’s Los Mineros, Napoleon Gomez, on the Interpol red alert list has been scrapped after years of legal campaigning.

Significant progress in electricity workers dispute

15 May, 2013Members of the Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas (SME) remain united and are actively participating in the fight for reinstatement.