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Showing 71-80 of 190 results

Miners' union and companies want to improve industrial relations

28 January, 2016The Mexican miners’ union and more than 40 companies share the same objective: tackle the problems caused by the global economy for both workers and companies. This was on the agenda when they met on 21-23 January to discuss how to improve industrial relations.

Grupo Mexico to pay 318 million pesos to los Mineros

4 November, 2015After eight years of campaigning, Mexican union los Mineros has won a major victory in court over Grupo Mexico. In an important outcome for workers in Cananea, Sonora and their families, the Federal Board of Conciliation and Arbitration has ordered the mining corporation to pay the workers’ their share of the profits for 2007.

SME victory after a six-year campaign

29 October, 2015The Mexican Electrical Workers’ Union (SME) has won an important victory: after six years of struggle, resistance and negotiations, it has signed an agreement with the federal government that gives it control over a number of electricity generating plants. This will mean new jobs for thousands of workers who have been unemployed since 2009.

Mexican Honda union loses hard-fought election

19 October, 2015The independent Honda workers union of Mexico (STUHM) was dealt a bitter blow on Thursday after being narrowly defeated in an election marred by serious irregularities.

Hope for Honda Mexico workers

14 October, 2015On 15 October, Honda Mexico workers will vote for the first time to elect a trade union. Since July, the STUHM has been asking the Federal Conciliation and Arbitration Board (JFCA) to provide a reliable register of voters so that a clean election can take place to decide which union should have collective bargaining rights at the company.

Apparel brands urge Mexico to comply with ILO recommendations

1 October, 2015On 22 September, eight major apparel brands released a joint letter urging Mexico’s government to comply with an ILO request for reforms to the country’s Federal Labour Law to ensure greater respect for the right of workers to freedom of association and collective bargaining.

Bata worker in Mexico arrested

17 September, 2015The Bata shoe company, a multinational that holds itself up as a paragon of responsible capitalism, is responsible for the detention without bail of one Mexican worker and the threat of imminent arrest of eight others for doing nothing more than demanding that the company end the lock-out of its workforce.

Mexico remains under ILO’s spotlight

10 September, 2015IndustriALL Global Union proposes critical measures to end the pattern of protection contracts in Mexico that destroys all possibility of genuine social dialogue. These measures must also address the tripartite system of Labour Boards made up of government officials, business, and corrupt official labour unions which obstruct workers’ self organization.

Upcoming elections at Honda in Mexico to be closely watched

17 August, 2015After countless delays and obstacles, a long-awaited union certification election at Honda Mexico looks set to go ahead.

We demand clean elections!

29 July, 2015Legal action concerning the four-year old dispute over collective bargaining rights at Honda’s plant in Mexico has still not been resolved and the company continues with its anti-trade union policy, which includes victimizing union members.