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Showing 51-60 of 85 results

IndustriALL’s global leaders call on Volkswagen to get in line

30 May, 2016IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee adopted a resolution calling on German car manufacturer Volkswagen to respect trade union rights at its Chattanooga plant in Tennessee, USA.

Engineers and IT workers meet at IG Metall

4 October, 2013IG Metall organized its 5th Engineers and IT meeting from 24 to 26 September in Berlin. Some 300 people attended it. The theme of the conference was Cooperation.

Siemens GFA put to early test in the US

28 August, 2012The new Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with electronics multinational Siemens is being put to the test in a USW organizing drive at a plant in Maryland, USA. Join the LabourStart campaign to support workers threatened by company-hired union busters ahead of a 6 September vote.

IG Metall secures 3.4 per cent industry pay rise

24 February, 2015German metalworkers’ union, IG Metall, has succeeded in securing a 3.4 per cent pay rise in a deal with employers following warning strikes by more than 850,000 workers nationwide. 

Sponsor of Bundesliga teams fires union members

1 March, 2018German clothing company Roy Robson has fired eleven union members from its factory in Izmir, Turkey.

German metalworkers’ union launches mass strikes for wage rise and reduced hours

11 January, 2018IG Metall commences mass strikes ahead of bargaining round with employers’ federation Gesamtmetall.

Project strengthens international youth movement

28 June, 2017A group of young workers from Latin American and Germany attended the final stage of a three-year trade union exchange programme, where they presented projects designed to organize young workers in their unions.

Trade union network at John Deere favours social dialogue

26 June, 2017Trade union delegates from all continents where John Deere operates came together and discussed their needs at the growing multinational in Frankfurt, Germany, from 20 to 21 June. 

Fresenius Global Union Alliance demands an end to workers' rights abuses

25 September, 2019The Fresenius Global Union Alliance, representing more than 50 unions around the world, is standing together to expose workers’ rights abuses at the German healthcare giant. 

German supply chain law reaches parliament

22 April, 2021The proposed law on due diligence in supply chains has its first reading in the Bundestag, the German parliament, on 22 April. Unions are concerned that employers’ associations will attempt to block it or dilute its proposals.