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Showing 1-10 of 282 results

Bangladesh’s dangerous shipbreaking yards claim two more lives

23 September, 2021In just a week, two more workers have been killed and three have been injured due to the deplorable lack of safety in Chittagong’s shipbreaking yards. IndustriALL affiliates BMF and BMCGTWF have repeatedly brought up the issue of health and safety with both Bangladesh’s government and the ship owners, but to no avail.

Worker shot dead by police as minimum wage protests intensify in Bangladesh

30 October, 2023As thousands of garment workers take to the streets in Bangladesh to demand a minimum wage increase, police takes violent action to quell protest demonstrations, shooting dead one garment worker and injuring another earlier today.

Bangladesh: dismissed workers reinstated with ACT interim dispute resolution mechanism

19 December, 2023The right to freedom of association is upheld as IndustriALL affiliate, the Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers' Federation (BGIWF), reaches an agreement on a complaint brought against Dekko Designs Ltd. under the ACT interim dispute resolution mechanism.

Unions in Bangladesh demand revision of new minimum wage

16 November, 2023Minimum wage protests in Dhaka continue as workers’ demand of a higher minimum wage remains unmet. Police has been violently breaking down the protests and to date four workers have been killed and several others seriously injured. Police has registered over 60 criminal cases, in which nearly a hundred workers have been arrested, including six local union leaders.

Three years after Tazreen fire, brands must pay compensation

19 November, 2015On the third anniversary of the Tazreen factory fire in Bangladesh, IndustriALL Global Union is calling on international brands that sourced from the garment factory to pay into the fund for victims. 

More workers killed in Bangladeshi shipbreaking yard

26 October, 2015On 20 October another major accident happened in a Chittagong shipbreaking yard, this time killing three workers. IndustriALL Global Union campaigns to clean up this industry, the world’s most dangerous to work in.

IndustriALL meets Bangladeshi government and lobbies for ratification of the Hong Kong Convention

17 November, 2015An IndustriALL delegation met the Bangladeshi Ministry of Industries on 5 November 2015 to lobby for ratification of the convention.

More action needed from Bangladesh Government

17 July, 2014The Bangladesh government must dramatically increase efforts to create a safe and sustainable garment industry, says IndustriALL Global Union in the wake of a damning evaluation of the Sustainability Compact.

Rana Plaza victims’ compensation fund reaches US$30 million target

8 June, 2015IndustriALL Global Union and UNI Global Union, two signatories to the Bangladesh Accord, welcome the news that the Rana Plaza Compensation Fund has finally reached its target.

Unions in South Asia to intensify campaign for ratification C190

7 October, 2021Around 80 trade union leaders from South Asia attended a webinar to discuss gender based violence and harassment and to plan for a joint campaign.