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Madagascar’s revised mining code must include workers’ and human rights

31 August, 2022Unions in Madagascar are concerned that the mining code – the country’s legal framework for mining development – is silent on workers’ and human rights. Revising the mining code provides the government with the opportunity to include the creation of decent jobs, protection of workers’ rights including for women miners, living wages, social dialogue, and social protection.

IndustriALL and Rio Tinto set QIT Madagascar Minerals on the path to constructive social dialogue

18 February, 2019IndustriALL Global Union and Rio Tinto undertook a joint mission to resolve the troubled industrial relations climate at Rio Tinto’s QIT Madagascar Minerals.

Sherritt rejects government talks over Madagascar mine job losses

3 December, 2015IndustriALL Global Union condemns Canadian mining multinational, Sherritt, for refusing to attend a government-mediated meeting to discuss hundreds of lay-offs at it’s billion-dollar nickel mine in Madagascar.

Unions build unity through collective bargaining training in Madagascar

8 August, 2019Collective bargaining is one of the ways through which trade unions build solidarity, respect, trust, better communication, and consensus amongst workers. However, collective bargaining negotiations are complex, with challenges that may not be immediately apparent.

Difficult circumstances - IndustriALL meets with family of unfairly jailed unionist in Madagascar

15 December, 2022In August, Sento Chang was sentenced to 12 months in prison after taking to social media to share discussions the union had with the employer. On 9 December, an IndustriALL delegation met with his family, speaking to his parents-in-law about the very difficult circumstances the family is now finding itself in.

Fighting gender inequality and violence in Madagascar

10 March, 2020In Antananarivo the International Women’s Day (IWD) demonstration of Malagasy unions was the culmination of a week of training and capacity building on gender equality and gender-based violence (GBV).

Union to contest unjust court judgment against Malagasy unionist

20 September, 2023On 15 September, the Appeals Court in Antananarivo dismissed an application by Sento Chang for the nullification of his conviction and sentence over posting about union activities on social media. SVS, an IndustriALL affiliate, is determined to contest the unjust court judgement. 

Malagasy unionists arrested over QMM protests must be released!

19 July, 2023From 26 June to 3 July, Madagascar’s independence days, communities from the villages surrounding the Rio Tinto subsidiary QIT Madagascar Minerals (QMM) mining site at Mandena in Toalagnaro (Fort Dauphin) protested inadequate financial compensation on loss of livelihoods, water pollution, and community exclusion from consultations when the mining licence was renewed by the government. In dispersing the protestors, the police and gendarmerie used disproportionate force which saw ten demonstrators injured and over 80 arrested and imprisoned, including five trade unionists.

Guard strike points to global problem at Rio Tinto

21 October, 2015A security guard strike at Rio Tinto’s mine in Madagascar points to a global problem: the company’s overreliance on and failure to take responsibility for precarious workers.

Organizing Madagascar’s textile and garment industries

23 May, 2022Under the theme - union organizing dynamics in the textile, garment, shoe, and leather industries in Madagascar - the unions that organize in the sectors met in Antananarivo 16-17 May to discuss how to sustain and build union power in a post-Covid economy.