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Showing 11-20 of 24 results

IndustriALL calls on Egyptian government to respond to strikers’ demands

11 February, 2014Around 22,000 workers are currently striking at Egypt’s largest state-owned textile company in Mahalla.

Egyptian Schlumberger union launches website

25 September, 2012Embattled workers at oilfield services company Schlumberger in Egypt have struggled to exercise their right to organize since April 2011, in face of strong union-busting by management. In spite of considerable obstacles the enterprise-level union has just launched its own website and continues to push for workers’ rights.


14 October, 2014IndustriALL affiliate Free Trade Union of Misr Mahalla Spinning and Weaving Company - FTUMMSWC participated in the day of action to STOP Precarious Work

Egyptian Workers in MNCs Struggle for Rights and Justice

20 November, 2013Around 100 Egyptian workers attending IndustriALL Global Union’s Conference on "Trade Union Rights and Industrial Relations in Multinational Companies in Egypt" on October 24-25 in Cairo spoke up for their rights and showed determination for struggle.

Egyptian Democratic Labour Congress is launched

24 May, 2013On 24 April a new trade union center saw the light in Egypt. The Egyptian Democratic Labour Congress (EDLC) will represent workers’ interests in all the sectors of economy.

IndustriALL Executive Committee pays homage to Marcello Malentacchi

29 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee grieves for Marcello Malentacchi and the 1,127 Bangladeshi garment workers killed at Rana Plaza, while welcoming the binding Accord with the leading clothing brands on fire and building safety.

Egyptian trade union leader facing jail

13 June, 2013Yousri Maarouf, President of the new Egyptian Democratic Labour Congress (EDLC) faces three years imprisonment for trade union activities. IndustriALL Global Union is mobilizing support for Brother Yousri ahead of his key court hearing on 16 June at Egypt’s Supreme Court.

Millions demand President of Egypt to resign

3 July, 2013Cairo resounds to the calls of "Irhal! Irhal!" ("Leave! Leave!"), as 14 million people march across Egypt demanding the President resign in one of the largest demonstrations seen in the history of the world!

Ceramic workers strike in Suez

6 March, 2014The strike by 6,000 workers at Ceramica Cleopatra has entered its second week as workers demand the reinstatement of 23 dismissed workers as well as improved terms and conditions of employment.

Egyptian workers raise their free voices

9 May, 2013IndustriALL Global Union continues to give support to the free, independent and democratic trade union movement in Egypt through a special education and training program supported by AFL-CIO’s Solidarity Center via the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC).