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Showing 1-10 of 101 results

Brazilian chemical workers win 39 hour week

13 February, 2013Workers in the chemical sector have won a major victory in negotiations with the German transnational company BASF. The agreement reduces the working week and puts an end to long and exhausting working days.

Training advances collective bargaining skills in Ethiopia

1 March, 2019Collective bargaining is one of the critical skills for Ethiopian trade unions in the chemical, energy, and mining sectors, and the unions are equipping shop stewards through training on what strategies to use when they engage employers.

Asia Pacific: Unions determined to build union power in growing chemical industry

20 September, 2018Around fifty trade union leaders in the chemical industries from 11 countries in the Asia Pacific region came together to discuss current challenges in the rapidly-growing sectors and agreed on a road map.

Chemical unions determined to defend and advance workers’ rights

12 May, 2015Around 200 delegates from some 40 countries representing chemical workers gathered in Hannover, Germany on 6 - 7 May. Participants at IndustriALL Global Union’s World Conference for the Chemical Industries debated challenges and identified responses of the unions.

Torrent Pharmaceutical workers in India beaten and fired after joining union

27 May, 2019When Torrent Pharmaceutical workers in Himachal Pradesh became members of the Association of Chemical Workers Union in October 2018, management unleashed a series of vindictive actions aimed at union busting.

Avon, ‘the company for women’ hurts women in the Philippines

27 January, 2016All across America, Europe and Asia, Avon is well known for its cosmetics and home products used by millions of women who themselves are part of the company’s direct sale agents.

Syngenta Pakistan continues to blatantly ignore court ruling

31 July, 2014IndustriALL Global Union expresses its outrage over Syngenta’s long-standing punishment with unacceptable treatment against union leaders and members, ignoring local and supreme court rulings in Pakistan.

DowDuPont: Unions voice their concerns and demands over mega-merger

6 October, 2017The global chemical industry has faced a number of large mergers and acquisitions in the last couple of years. This is the result of a big restructuring in the sector as part of multinational companies’ strategies to consolidate through mergers and acquisitions, and develop strategic partnerships.

Unions call for good and safe jobs at Unilever

28 November, 2017Unilever has come under criticism from unions for being short-sighted when announcing the target to increase profits by 20 per cent by 2020. The Unilever European Works Council says that employees will be left to foot the bill.

Union busting, tax avoidance, corruption: International trade unions sharply criticize Fresenius ahead of annual general meeting

20 May, 2021Trade unionists from around the world condemn poor working conditions at Fresenius and its international subsidiaries. The German DAX 30 company has long been in the spotlight for tax evasion and corruption.