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30 June, 2009

  1. Duties of the President
    1. The President shall preside over all meetings of the Congress, Central Committee, Executive Committee and Finance Committee.
    2. The President shall ensure that all business of each such meeting is conducted in accordance with the Rules of the Federation.
    3. The President shall, jointly with the General Secretary, be responsible to the Federation for the supervision and general direction of the work of the Assistant General Secretaries and Department Heads. The President shall perform any such other duties in accordance with decisions of the Congress, Central Committee and Executive Committee.
    4. In the event of the President leaving office prior to completion of his or her term, the Vice President shall serve in a temporary capacity as Acting President until a Central Committee or Congress elects the new President.
    5. If required, an extraordinary Central Committee will be convened as soon as practicable to elect the new President.
  2. Duties of the Vice President

    In the event of the President leaving office prior to completion of his or her term, the Vice President shall serve in a temporary capacity as Acting President until a Central Committee or Congress elects the new President.
  3. Duties of the General Secretary and Assistant General Secretaries
    1. Subject to the direction of the Congress, Central Committee, Executive Committee or Finance Committee, the General Secretary shall:
      1. Act as the principal spokesperson of the IMF.
      2. Implement the policy and decisions of the Congress, Central Committee and the Executive Committee.
      3. Safeguard at all times and in every respect the interests of the Federation and ensure its legal representation.
      4. Act as the general administrator of the Federation, including managing and directing operations and handling all staff and other personnel issues, including appointment of Regional and Project Office Representatives.
      5. If necessary, prior to Congress, call meetings of the committees that have been established by the Central Committee for the preparation work of Congress.
      6. Direct the financial administration of the Federation, including the collection of annual dues from affiliates, and direct and implement all financial and other business operations and transactions involving the Federation.
      7. Keep all proper financial accounts and records current, including information with respect to all income and disbursements in accordance with Federation policies and Rules.
      8. Appoint, in consultation with the President, Department Heads.
      9. Engage staff who shall be under the control and supervision of the General Secretary and shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them.
      10. Perform such additional functions as are set out in these Rules or as may be determined from time to time by Congress, the Central Committee, or the Executive Committee, or as agreed upon with the President.
    2. The Assistant General Secretaries shall, unless otherwise engaged in Federation business, or unavailable, attend all meetings of Congress, Central Committee and Executive Committee.  They shall perform such duties as may be assigned to them by the General Secretary in cooperation with the President.