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Forced to work<br>in a bad posture

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14 July, 1999300 Malaysian workers have been picketing against a new unhealthy work system since June 23.

MALAYSIA: Members of the Electrical Industry Workers' Union (EIWU), Malaysia in Sanyo Electric (Penang) have been picketing outside the company since June 23, 1999. About 300 members of EIWU staged the picket to protest against the introduction of a work system, whereby the workers are forced to work in a standing position for 8 hours and 45 minutes a day.
The management's reason for introducing such a work system is to increase labour productivity. It does not consider safety and health as an important issue and has adamantly refused to alter the work system.
More then 80 per cent of the workers are women. They are extremely worried about the long-term effects of the new work system on their health.
The union contends that such a work system will affect the workers health and safety and has complained to the Department of Safety and Health(DOSH), which until today has not taken any concrete action to solve the problem.
On July 15,the President of the Malaysian Trade Union Congress (MTUC), Zainal Rampak, visited the picket at Sanyo Electric to provide solidarity support. He said: "I'm disturbed by DOSH's attitude as it is not taking any steps at all in advising the company that this act is wrong."