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Showing 1-10 of 133 results

We want a Just Future and an end to inequality!

11 October, 2022Working people everywhere are facing a cost of living crisis, with wage rises not meeting soaring inflation and rising energy costs, combined with attacks on unions and workers’ rights. In the face of the growing inequality crisis, unions from the Philippines and Bangladesh to Tanzania and Peru, took action on 7 October, World Day for Decent Work, to demand a better future.

L20 unionists call on the G20 to fight inequality and precarious work

12 September, 2018Representatives of international trade-union organizations attended the Labour 20 Summit (L20) in Mendoza, Argentina, on 4 and 5 September 2018. They called on the G20 to take steps to reduce inequalities, combat precarious work and ensure a fair transition to a low-carbon economy.

Arab Spring?

20 December, 2012The ITUC Arab Women’s Network AWN met on 17 and 18 December 2012 in Cairo.

Brazilian chemical workers win 39 hour week

13 February, 2013Workers in the chemical sector have won a major victory in negotiations with the German transnational company BASF. The agreement reduces the working week and puts an end to long and exhausting working days.

industriAll Europe confronts a continent in crisis

10 June, 2016The second industriAll European Trade Union Congress took place on 7-9 June in Madrid, bringing together European unions in the manufacturing, mining, chemical and textile sectors to confront the challenges facing workers on the continent. 

INTERVIEW: Luisa María Alcalde

3 January, 2019“People are buzzing with enthusiasm – you can feel it in the air,” says Luisa María Alcalde cheerfully. It is truly the start of a new era for the people of Mexico: Andrés Manuel López Obrador was recently elected president, bringing hopes of democracy, gender equality, youth inclusion and the end of poverty and corruption.It is also the first time a Mexican cabinet has achieved gender parity, with eight men and eight women of varying ages. Luisa María Alcalde is the perfect illustration of this new era. The 31-year-old is ready to head up one of the key ministries in the fight to protect workers’ rights – the ministry of labour and social welfare.

Latin America and the Caribbean activates its strategic plan for the region

24 May, 201890 trade union representatives from Latin America and the Caribbean participated in the Second Regional Conference of IndustriALL in Panama, to redefine its strategic plan and promote the participation of the affiliates in its implementation.

Stop the war on wages and close the wealth gap

21 January, 2019Multinational companies must stop the war on wages and give workers secure jobs with decent salaries, says IndustriALL Global Union as a new study from Oxfam shows that 26 billionaires own as much as the poorest 50 per cent of the world’s population. 

IndustriALL heralds new IRMA head

4 April, 2013IndustriALL Global Union is pleased to welcome Matthew Wenban-Smith as new Managing Director of the Initiative for Responsible Mining Assurance (IRMA). The appointment marks an important milestone in establishing IRMA as the first legitimate global certification programme in the mining sector.

Colourful rally opens World Social Forum in Tunisia

28 March, 2013Tens of thousands of people rally in the streets as the World Social Forum opens in Tunis. “Another world is possible” confirm the demonstrators, demanding social justice instead of neo-liberal policies.