What we do6 mars, 2019IndustriALL challenges the power of multinational companies and negotiates with them on a global level. IndustriALL fights for another model of globalization and a new economic and social model that puts people first, based on democracy and social justice.IndustriALL strives to:
Shipbuilding and shipbreaking11 mars, 2019Shipbuilding and shipbreakingShipbuilding and shipbreaking industries are facing serious challenges affecting workers' rights and conditions. The capital strategy to get profit at any cost results in replacement of well protected unionized workplaces with precarious jobs. IndustriALL's work in this sector addresses these challenges through a unified union view putting workers' rights first.
Living wage 11 mars, 2019IndustriALL has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with a number of leading brands in the garment industry. The aim of the agreed process, known as ACT, is to establish systems of industry-wide collective agreements supported by brand purchasing practices as the primary means of wage-fixing in the global garment industry.
Base metals8 mars, 2019Base MetalsIndustriALL works with unions in the base metals sector to build power at the company and industry levels. We organize trade union networks, campaign for trade union rights, and seek social dialog with leading global steel and aluminum companies. We also partner with responsible companies and civil society to promote respect for workers’ rights in base metals supply chains.
Future of Work9 juillet, 2019The world of work is going through a perfect storm of change. Diverse forces are converging to create a vortex that is driving the biggest change in the way we work for over a century.
Videos14 juin, 2012COMING SOON a library of IndustriALL and affiliate videos.Please send the links to your videos to: [email protected] on YouTube
Asia-Pacific18 juin, 2012 Titular member Subsitute.member 1KRUSCHEL JennyAUSMAHER AnthonyAUS2FARROW PaulAUSDETTMER AndrewAUS3KANEKO Akihiro JPNICHIKAWA Chiyo
Action on textile and garment industry15 juillet, 2020Workers bore the brunt of the breakdown of the textile and garment supply chain, brought on by the effect of the Covid-19 pandemic on the sector’s unsustainable business model. Order cancellations drove wholesale closure of thousands of garment factories, with millions of workers laid off in countries with no social safety net.
Clean up shipbreaking11 mars, 2019Campaign to clean up shipbreaking, the world's most dangerous jobThe workers in this industry suffer precarious working conditions, lack training, and face serious hazards.The industry has a responsibility to provide, and workers have a right to expect, safe, healthy, clean and sustainable jobs.