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Raising awareness of EIS in Bangladesh

22 octubre, 2024The employment injury scheme (EIS) is a social protection programme in Bangladesh which includes compensation for medical treatment and rehabilitation services, as well as income loss caused by occupational injuries and disease. Together with the International Labour Organisation and GIZ, IndustriALL Global Union held a series of awareness raising workshops on EIS for affiliates in Bangladesh.

Victory at Nexperia Philippines

18 octubre, 2024The Metal Workers' Alliance of the Philippines (MWAP) succeeded in a campaign for job security at Nexperia Philippines Inc, on 18 October.

Global union committee advances workers' rights in Inditex' supply chain

17 octubre, 2024The Inditex global union committee was established following provisions in the global framework agreement signed in 2019. The committee is empowered to implement the GFA, to share best practices in promoting the freedom of association and the right to collective bargaining, and to increase local unions’ involvement in the application of the GFA.

Workers united in fight for decent jobs and just transition in the changing materials sector

17 octubre, 2024Over 50 trade unionists from around the world gathered on 9-10 October, in Jakarta, for the IndustriALL Global Union world conference for materials industries. 

Shipbuilding and shipbreaking world conference calls for sustainable industry transformation

17 octubre, 2024Union leaders from 16 countries gathered in Glasgow, 15 and 16 October, at IndustriALL’s shipbuilding and shipbreaking world conference, uniting around a vision for safer, fairer, and sustainable industry standards in two of the world’s most dangerous sectors. This forum called for bold change, demanding stronger worker protections, sustainable practices, and global solidarity.

Trade unions want a developmental approach to business and human rights in Africa

17 octubre, 2024In discussions at the 3rd African Business and Human Rights Forum, Nairobi, Kenya, 8-10 October, trade unions said a developmental approach to business and human rights that supported economic development and industrialization is necessary. They argued that this approach is needed because the continent continues to face challenges of poverty, inequality, unemployment, and climate change’s extreme weather events that include floods and droughts which are devastating communities.

Pakistani affiliates take action on 7 October

17 octubre, 2024On 7 October, World Day for Decent Work, IndustriALL affiliates in Pakistan held countrywide protest action against precarious work, anti-worker labour law reforms, and unsafe working conditions.

Developing a toolkit for young workers by young workers

11 octubre, 2024During October, 18 young white-collar workers and organizers from 15 unions across France, Finland, Japan, the Philippines, Indonesia, Germany, Eswatini, Singapore, and Sweden convened in Geneva. The event aimed to address the specific needs of young white-collar workers and explore ways to attract and mobilize them into trade unions and better represent them.

Thai employer continues to violate workers’ rights under Swiss programme

11 octubre, 2024A year after having first called on the Swiss government to exercise human rights due diligence at Absolute Assembly, IndustriALL Global Union is reiterating the call as labour rights are deteriorating, directly breaking the commitments made by the Swiss government. The company in Thailand manufactures e-buses for a programme supported by Switzerland under the Paris Climate Agreement.

Striking for rights at As Plastik in Türkiye

10 octubre, 2024Workers at As Plastik in Türkiye went on strike nearly a month ago as negotiations for new collective agreement failed after five months of discussions. According to IndustriALL affiliate Petrol-İş, in addition to refusing to accept the union's demands, the company has dismissed 17 employees for their involvement in union activities, violating both Turkish and international labour laws.