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Mostrando 5501-5510 de 5725 resultados

Tchibo second retailer worldwide to commit to groundbreaking fire safety programme

20 septiembre, 2012Bangladeshi garment suppliers under independent building inspections

Tchibo joins agreement on garment factory safety in Bangladesh

20 septiembre, 2012The German chain Tchibo has signed an agreement with unions and labour rights groups on factory safety in Bangladesh, where more than 600 garment workers have died in factory fires since 2006.

Flame for workers’ rights passes to Sochi and Brazil

19 septiembre, 2012The 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games ended on 9 September, and the Play Fair campaign now shifts focus to ensuring future Olympic and World Cup events in Sochi and Brazil have concern for the rights of workers at their core.

IndustriALL proposes ethical partnership with TATA Steel

19 septiembre, 2012IndustriALL Global Union’s network in Tata Steel will seek to develop an ethical partnership with company management at a meeting in Bangkok, Thailand later this month.


19 septiembre, 2012A Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with German-based company ZF Group, covering approximately 71,500 employees at 121 manufacturing sites in 27 countries, was signed on 5 October 2011.

Fiji government kicks out ILO mission

19 septiembre, 2012A high-level mission of the International Labour Organization (ILO) investigating the effects of last year’s regressive labour reform has today been ordered to leave the country by the government.

Spanish unions lead workers in protest against austerity

19 septiembre, 2012The mass demonstration of hundreds of thousands of people on 15 September, with workers lead by the industry sections of trade union federations CCOO and UGT, decried the “destruction” of Spain by the Mariano Rajoy government’s austerity measures that seek to cut 102 billion euros of social spending before 2014.

Workers must come first in proposed EADS and BAE merger

19 septiembre, 2012The recent announcement of a proposed merger between EADS and BAE Systems has been met with concern and questions from unions representing workers in both companies.

German brand KIK sourcing from Pakistan factory

19 septiembre, 2012The high price of cheap jeans was uncovered in Pakistan on 17 September, with confirmation that the low-cost German brand KIK sourced garments from Ali Enterprises, which burnt down killing almost 300 people.

IndustriAll Europe takes protest to FIAT’s door

14 septiembre, 2012IndustriALL Global Union’s sister organization, IndustriAll European Union, mobilized workers of the Italian auto giant FIAT in a 400-strong demonstration that blocked the company’s headquarters on 7 September. Demonstrators denounced the proposed restructuring of FIAT’s bus and truck maker IVECO that threatens over 1,000 jobs in Europe.