Protesting helps13 June, 1999Campaigns against violations of trade union rights have contributed to improve labour standards.
"Eliminate all forms<br>of child labour"9 June, 1999Carla Coletti made a strong contribution to the struggle for maternity protection and eliminination of child labour in her maiden speech at the ILO.
Review of World Summit <br>for Social Development9 June, 1999The UN is preparing an evaluation of the implementation of the Copenhagen decisions and what additional actions to take.
Week of action<br>in support of strike9 June, 1999In June, 21-27 trade unions worldwide are mobilising their members in support of the striking workers at Continental General Tire in Charlotte, North Carolina, USA.
"Withdraw the arrest warrants!"8 June, 1999Marcello Malentacchi has written to the Korean President with two urgent requests.
Carla Coletti<br>elected to the ILO7 June, 1999This week, the Governing Body of the International Labour Organisation, ILO, has been elected.
Workshop discusses<br>radioactive steel scrap7 June, 1999The goals set by the organisers were to identify the scale of the problem and assess the effectiveness of current regulations.
IMF GM Action Group<br>takes off6 June, 1999Its objective is to achieve closer cooperation between IMF-affiliated unions at international level.
New round of strikes<br>in Korea6 June, 1999Another round of general strikes is being organised during the month of June.
Dismissals<br>in aluminium sector6 June, 1999Approximately 4,300 workers are to be laid off by Corporación Venezolana de Guayana.