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Showing 11-20 of 42 results

Another mining accident in Chile shows need to ratify ILO C176

1 November, 2016Another fatal mining accident in Chile stresses the need for the government to ratify ILO Convention 176, on health and safety in mines.

IndustriALL shows solidarity with victims of BHP Billiton

20 October, 2016As BHP Billiton shareholders meet in London, IndustriALL sends solidarity to mining giant's victims

Attack at Cerrejón coal mine

27 February, 2013The Oreganal pit at the Colombian Cerrejón coal mine was targeted in a terrorist attack at two o'clock in the morning of Sunday 24 February, damaging several lorries owned by Carbones del Cerrejón Limited, and causing millions of pesos worth of damage.

Australian unions committed to campaign against BHP

5 July, 2019In response to BHP’s strategy to drive down wages and conditions of employment in the mining industry, IndustriALL Global Union’s Australian affiliates confirmed their full commitment and support to the campaign against the world’s largest miner.

Covid-19 has made workers’ health and safety a priority in Mozambique

18 August, 2020With the Covid-19 pandemic, the importance of occupational health and safety has returned to the union priority list, and the role of health and safety reps is being re-emphasized.

Sintracarbón backs strike call at Cerrejón

24 August, 2020Colombian union Sintracarbón has called for a strike at the Cerrejón mine, rejecting the new shift system which would eliminate 1,200 jobs, and the loss of benefits.  It also denounces the increase in Covid-19 infections in the company.

Cerrejón mineworkers hold firm: show your support

7 October, 2020Workers at the Cerrejón coal mine in Colombia are five weeks into a bitter strike against the imposition of a brutal new shift system. They need your support.

Sintracarbón reaches critical step at Cerrejón

25 February, 2020IndustriALL affiliate Sintracarbón and mining company Cerrejón have agreed to extend the collective bargaining period until 6 March. If no agreement is reached by then, the union will vote whether to go on strike.

IndustriALL and BWI file OECD complaint against BHP Billiton and Vale

26 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union and the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) have filed a complaint against the British-Australian company, BHP Billiton, and Brazilian mining multinational, Vale S.A., under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Colombian unionists in London to challenge mining multinationals

4 May, 2015Colombian trade union leaders travelled to London to tell the story of human rights violations against mineworkers, indigenous people, communities, and the environmental degradation caused by mining multinationals BHP Billiton, Glencore and Anglo American.