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AngloGold dismisses striking mineworkers in South Africa

25 October, 2012AngloGold Ashanti began dismissing 12,000 workers today, 25 October, becoming the latest mining company to join the rush to dismiss striking workers with the misguided belief that such a move will bring the situation under control.

South Africa: 378 trapped mineworkers safely rescued

11 March, 2020378 mineworkers were rescued on 10 March after being trapped underground for nine hours. The workers were trapped when a UV 72 machine used to transport workers and materials underground caught fire at Sibanye Stillwater Simunye Shaft in Rustenburg.

South African union saves mineworkers’ jobs

24 January, 2017Demonstrating the power of dialogue, a strong trade union and enabling legislation, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in South Africa has successfully averted the loss of 849 jobs.

Unions optimistic as AngloGold Ashanti's Obuasi mine in Ghana resumes operations

20 February, 2020Following a period of uncertainty, when the Obuasi mine was put on limited operations, and then on care and maintenance in 2016, the mine is up and running again.

IndustriALL repudiates killing of Colombian peasant leader

8 November, 2013On Saturday, 2 November between 5pm and 6pm, César García was killed by a shot to the head when arriving at his farm at La Vereda la Cajón la Leona in the municipality of Cajamarca. Garciá was a well-known opponent of the mega gold mining project La Colosa. The main investor is Anglogold Ashanti.


25 May, 2012The key theme underlining the agreement is the "development and sustainability of the gold mining industry worldwide" and in upholding and implementing "good human resources and industrial relations practices". The promotion and respect for human and trade union rights, health and safety, environmental protection and the promotion of good relationships with local mine communities are pivotal to the agreement.

Membership audit at AngloGold vindicates Tanzanian union

25 October, 2012A membership audit by Ernst & Young proves that Tanzania Mines, Energy, Construction and Allied Workers Union (Tamico) has majority for recognition at Geita Gold Mine ending a 7 year battle with AngloGold Ashanti.

Guinea: Mineworkers give notice to strike

6 November, 2017Mineworkers at Societe AngloGold Ashanti de Guinee (SAG), a subsidiary of AngloGold Ashanti, have given notice to go on strike on 7 November if their grievances are not met.

South Africa: NUM marches against plans to cull 8,500 jobs at AngloGold Ashanti

9 August, 2017IndustriALL Global Union South African affiliate, the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM), took to the streets of Johannesburg on 5 August and marched to the offices of mining company AngloGold Ashanti to protest proposed retrenchments of 8,500 workers at mines in Carletonville and Matlosana.