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Workers at Petrobras Brazil condemn union busting

8 April, 2021In the face of union busting, Brazilian oil workers' union FUP is striking to protect workers' rights and is demanding safe and decent working conditions.

Brazilian oil workers on strike against layoffs at Petrobas

11 February, 2020Brazilian oil workers' union FUP have called an indefinite national strike, protesting against Petrobas' plans to shut down a nitrogen fertilizer plant and lay off more than 1,000 workers.

Senate postpones vote on Petrobras bill due to lack of debate

2 July, 2015The Brazilian Senate met on 30 June to vote on bill PLS 131/2015 under the Senate’s urgent business procedure, when a bill goes directly to a plenary vote without being examined by technical committees. The bill would remove Petrobras’ exclusive rights to exploit the Pre-Salt oilfields. However, the Senate decided to postpone voting as it felt a more detailed debate was necessary.

FUP and Petrobras launch Workers’ Network

10 March, 2014From 25 to 27 February 2014 the Brazilian Oil Workers’ Union FUP hosted a meeting to launch the workers’ network of Petrobras. A global agreement was signed with Petrobras in 2011, and now it is up to the network to make a living agreement.

FUP Brazil takes action to defend Petrobras

23 June, 201614 June was a day of struggle for Brazil’s oil industry workers defending the state oil company Petrobras and the Pre-Salt oilfields. Workers have called on the general public to unite to resist and win the battle.


25 May, 2012The Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with Petróleo Brasileiro SA, or Petrobras, the world’s third largest energy company, embodies many of the social principles that we expect companies in extractive industries to adhere to.

Anti union practices at Petrobras Nigeria

22 May, 2013Petrobras has improperly used the redundancy clause of the collective bargaining agreement with Pengassan to terminate all ten workers in its exploration division and is refusing to engage the union to resolve the matter.

Brazilian oil workers temporarily suspend national strike

4 June, 2018IndustriALL Brazilian affiliate FUP temporarily suspended their 72-hour national strike when the court threatened the union with an extortionate fine of 2 million reais (US$540,000) per day, a clear violation of trade union rights.

FUP prepares September strike in defence of Petrobras

29 July, 2015After the 24-hour strike on 24 July, members of the main oil industry union in Brazil, FUP/CUT, are preparing another strike in September in defence of Petrobras.

FUP calls historic national strike in defence of Petrobras

13 November, 2015Oil workers in Brazil are on the thirteenth day of the biggest strike at Petrobras in decades. They want to prevent privatisation, stop the company’s divestment plan, fight for national sovereignty and put pressure on the company to recognise workers’ demands.