Unions oppose Xstrata - Glencore merger4 July, 2012IndustriALL Global Union joins the Construction, Forestry, Mining and Energy Union (CFMEU) in Australia, the United Steelworkers (USW) in Canada and the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in South Africa and takes the position against the planned merger of Xstrata and Glencore.
Sanction of the Xstrata Glencore merger challenged15 November, 2012The proposed merger between giants Glencore and Xstrata goes to a shareholder vote on 20 November, as processes continue assessing the monopolistic concerns the merger brings.
Glencore-Xstrata merger approved21 November, 2012IndustriALL Global Union joined a group of protesting activists in Zug, Switzerland as Xstrata Shareholders approved its takeover by Glencore.
IndustriALL responds to Glencore's snub12 July, 2012In response to Glencore and Xstrata’s arrogant refusal to meet with a delegation of IndustriALL Global Union affiliates to discuss labour issues in light of their intended merger, IndustriALL joined a delegation of activists in a demonstration at their headquarters in Zug, Switzerland.
IndustriALL Global Union urges a no vote to the Glencore – Xstrata merger5 September, 2012The Glencore-Xstrata merger is on a knife edge. IndustriALL Global Union warns of the threat posed to workers by the new behemoth should the deal go through, and tells Xstrata of the reputational damage Glencore will bring them.
Attack at Cerrejón coal mine27 February, 2013The Oreganal pit at the Colombian Cerrejón coal mine was targeted in a terrorist attack at two o'clock in the morning of Sunday 24 February, damaging several lorries owned by Carbones del Cerrejón Limited, and causing millions of pesos worth of damage.
Sintracarbón in negotiations to improve conditions6 December, 2012The union representing workers at the Colombian company Carbones del Cerrejón is currently negotiating to improve conditions for both permanent and outsourced workers and the whole community.
Colombian workers unite to build a stronger union22 January, 2013Colombian IndustriALL affiliate Sintracarbón is currently putting forward equal treatment for precarious workers as a key demand in its negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement with Carbones del Cerrejón, the world’s largest open-pit set of coal mines.
Dangerous Xstrata-Glencore merger close to reality13 September, 2012Six months after the mining giant Xstrata and the commodities trading giant Glencore first announced their merger, the US$36 billion deal now seems close. A new and final offer has an approval deadline of 24 September.
Glencore and Xstrata epitomize the resource curse: Unions oppose their merger4 July, 2012Trade unions representing Xstrata’s and Glencore’s unionized workforces across the world have voiced their opposition to the proposed merger of the two companies and especially the extreme retention bonuses being paid to Xstrata management.