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Showing 21-30 of 49 results

Strengthening the bargaining power of cement unions in South East Asia

1 March, 2017Sixty cement union leaders and activists from Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines came together at the Citeureup (Indocement/HeidelbergCement) plant in Indonesia for an IndustriALL Global Union regional meeting on 27 and 28 February to improve the situation of workers in the cement sector.

Holcim workers on strike for over 70 days in Peru

24 February, 2025Workers at Compañía Minera Agregados Calcáreos S.A. (Comacsa), which is owned by Holcim, have been on strike for over 70 days demanding that the multinational agree to the terms of the union’s proposed collective bargaining agreement.

Workers around the globe demand Lafarge and Holcim improve occupational safety

28 April, 2015Over the last four years, 295 workers have lost their lives while working for Lafarge and Holcim.

Holcim-Lafarge: No merger without workers’ rights!

4 December, 2014As the merger of the two cement giants Holcim and Lafarge continues, workers are launching a global campaign to demand that workers’ rights are respected

Unions mobilize globally for workers’ rights at Holcim Lafarge

26 January, 2015Last week, on 15 January Lafarge and Holcim workers and their supporters in 30 countries organized a series of actions as part of a global campaign launched by IndustriALL Global Union, Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) and European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW). 

Filipino government in dialogue with cement unions

6 March, 2015Labour ministry officials in the Philippines have been in dialogue with the country’s cement unions, recognizing them as social partners in the merger of cement giants Holcim and Lafarge, and aimed at preserving jobs.

Workers raise their anger against complacency of LafargeHolcim

23 June, 2015Over 60 delegates representing workers of the two merging leading cement multinationals, Lafarge and Holcim from, all continents, gathered on 16 and 17 June in Egerkingen, Switzerland, discussed challenges and negative consequences faced by the workforce during and after the mega-merger process.

“Hidup Buruh!” say Indonesian cement unions fighting for workers’ rights

13 February, 201640 union leaders representing workers of LafargeHolcim and Indocement (HeidelbergCement) in Indonesia stand up for workers’ rights in both groups. The union activists are adamant in strengthening their unions’ organizing efforts and include also outsourced and contract workers in a strong trade union movement in the cement sector in Indonesia.

Lockout at LafargeHolcim Texada in Canada ends with agreement

9 March, 2017Members of IndustriALL affiliate United Steelworkers(USW) Local 816, locked out by LafargeHolcim in Canada at the Texada Island limestone mine since 17 October 2016, have reached an agreement.

India: Two workers killed in Ambuja cement plant in Chattisgarh

20 September, 2017On 17 September 2017 two contract workers were killed in a horrific accident at the Ambuja cement plant of the LafargeHolcim group at Bhatapara in the state of Chhattisgarh, India.