Joint commitment to prevent workplace sexual harassment by IndustriALL, IUF and Unilever27 January, 2016Sexual harassment is a universal problem, both at the workplace and outside of it. It can damage lives and careers, cause lasting psychological, social and career damage and gravely undermine the working environment.
Unilever and global unions sign agreement to restrict temporary jobs 10 May, 2019IndustriALL Global Union, the IUF and Unilever have signed a breakthrough agreement to limit the use of temporary workers and protect permanent jobs in Unilever factories.
Unilever signs Memorandum of Understanding with IndustriALL and IUF1 November, 2018IndustriALL Global Union and its sister global union IUF have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Anglo-Dutch global consumer goods producer Unilever, guaranteeing trade union rights and recognizing the two global unions as “internationally representative bodies”.