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Syngenta Pakistan refuses to regularize 50 contract workers

27 September, 2012Swiss-based agrichemicals multinational Syngenta has behaved disgracefully in Pakistan since sacking the company-level union’s General Secretary in December 2010. During a very long legal battle for the right of 50 workers to permanent employment, management has rejected the judgements of numerous labour courts, ruling in favour of the workers.

“Syngenta, stop union-busting and reinstate leader Imran Ali in Pakistan”, demands IndustriALL

28 April, 2015In support of IndustriALL’s Pakistani affiliate, PCEM, whose president Imran Ali was sacked by Syngenta for organizing, the global union, its Swiss affiliate Unia and civil society allies today demonstrated at the agrochemicals multinational’s AGM in Basel.

Proud trade union win at Syngenta Pakistan

25 November, 2013Dedicated plant-level campaigners and constant support from IndustriALL Global Union for over two years has today resulted in a hard-fought trade union victory for Syngenta workers in Pakistan.

Syngenta Pakistan continues to blatantly ignore court ruling

31 July, 2014IndustriALL Global Union expresses its outrage over Syngenta’s long-standing punishment with unacceptable treatment against union leaders and members, ignoring local and supreme court rulings in Pakistan.

Syngenta: Pakistani court again finds employment practices unlawful

9 July, 2015IndustriALL Global Union is congratulating its Pakistani affiliate PCEM on another good legal victory in its long struggle for workers’ rights at the Swiss giant of agrochemicals and seeds.

Three years of persecution for Pakistani Syngenta workers

2 August, 2013The long-standing, sustained attack on the local trade union of Swiss-based agrochemical multinational Syngenta in Pakistan has cost the company huge sums in legal fees, but management continues its ideological path of crushing the union at all costs.