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Showing 1-10 of 392 results

Samsung electronics workers announce indefinite strike

12 July, 2024The National Samsung Electronics Union (NSEU) in South Korea has mobilized 6,000 members to join the first strike in the 55-year history of Samsung Electronics at the company’s semiconductor facility in Hwaseong. The strike was called over failed collective bargaining negotiations and union busting.

Unions demand strong engagement in AngloAmerican restructuring

4 July, 2024Union leaders from the affiliates of IndustriALL Global Union in Australia, Botswana, Brazil, Namibia, South Africa, and Zimbabwe representing workers at AngloAmerican operations worldwide met the company management on 26-27 June 2024 in Johannesburg, South Africa as part of the annual global dialogue.

IndustriALL affiliates address organizing challenges in wind energy

3 July, 2024On 27-28 June, IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from across the globe met in Vienna to discuss an organizing campaign in the wind power sector.

Organizing electronics workers along the entire supply chain

17 June, 2024IndustriALL Global Union ICT electrical and electronics steering committee pledges to double organizing efforts to defend workers' rights in the sector. The delegates from twelve countries met on 10-11 June in Kuala Lumpur to debate sectoral activities, focusing on organizing, increasing union density and improving collective bargaining rights. Delegates confirmed their unions’ continued focus to reach out to women, youth, white collar workers and organize them throughout the entire supply chain.

Malaysia’s booming electronics industry leaves little room for workers’ rights

21 May, 2024Malaysia has become a hotspot for global electronics and semiconductor investment, with country's electrical and electronics export seeing a sharp increase of 54.2 per cent. However, the surge of electronics and semiconductor investment in Malaysia is sharply contrasted with low unionization; only six per cent of all Malaysian workers are unionized, the majority in the public sector.

Campaign for a binding UN treaty

15 May, 2024Heading into the 10th round of the treaty negotiations at the UN Human Rights Council in October 2024, the global unions and the ITUC are calling on all member states to engage in the process to secure a treaty that delivers for the millions of workers in global supply chains.

Mercedes workers stand up!

2 May, 2024On 13-17 May, workers at the Mercedes plant in Alabama, USA - the only Mercedes plant in the world without union representation - will for the first time vote for a union. According to US legislation, it takes a majority of the workforce to vote in favour of an election for it to take place. In a blatant show of disrespect for democracy and fundamental workers’ rights, the employer is engaging in heavy, scare-mongering union busting to influence the upcoming vote.

Amazon: Stop free-riding on worker safety, sign the Accord today!

25 April, 2024IndustriALL Global Union and Uni Global Union are calling on Amazon to sign the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry.

Rana Plaza anniversary: MEPs must support due diligence today!

23 April, 2024Today, marks the anniversary of the 2013 industrial homicide that killed more than 1,100 people and injured thousands more, as the Rana Plaza collapsed onto garment workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This year, the anniversary coincides with the final vote in the European Parliament on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which, if adopted, would make the respect of environmental standards, human rights including workers’ rights mandatory along global value chains.

OECD Steel Committee: workers warn of lack of just transition in the industry

26 March, 2024Workers are raising concerns over the lack of a just transition in the steel sector. Global excess capacity keeps rising, due to a combination of irresponsible practices by some major multinational steel corporations and misguided action by some governments who keep expanding capacity rather than investing in the green transition.