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Showing 31-40 of 392 results

Working group establishes strategic action plan to confront global capital

3 May, 2023The IndustriALL Global multinational committee (GMC) met for the first time in Paris on April 27-28. The hybrid meeting was attended by around 70 delegates who discussed and developed a strategic action plan on issues related to multinational companies (MNCs).

Labour needs a stronger position in UN binding treaty

20 April, 2023Negotiations on a binding UN business and human rights treaty are already nine years in the making, with more rounds are to come. After the latest negotiations in October last year, global unions have provided written input stressing an increased prominence of labour rights and a strong liability mechanism.

OECD Steel Committee: invest in workers!

14 March, 2023TUAC, IndustriALL Global and industriAll Europe insist that the impact on steel workers must be at the centre of the debate whether discussing the condition of the steel industry in Ukraine, the decarbonisation of the steel sector globally or the state of international trade. Steel workers must be informed and consulted about change and their jobs protected.

Unions' central role in due diligence

2 March, 2023The OECD forum on due diligence in the garment and footwear sector in Paris, France, in February brought together governments, businesses, unions, civil society and academia to discuss the responsibility that companies have to identify, prevent, mitigate and account for their adverse impacts on human rights.

Concerns over workers' rights violations at POSCO Assan in Turkey

2 March, 2023IndustriALL Global and IndustriALL Europe  present evidence and set out a case against steel company POSCO Assan’s claims to the Business & Human Rights Resource Centre (BHRRC).

Framework for a responsible business disengagement from Myanmar

22 February, 2023IndustriALL Global Union and a number of garment brands with operations in Myanmar have jointly developed a framework for a responsible exit from the country.

A new model of supply chain industrial relations: brand and investor roles

7 February, 2023Join us at our virtual side session at the OECD Garment Forum on Tuesday, 14 February at 15:00 CET for a discussion of a new paper, "Shared Prosperity: the investor case for freedom of association and collective bargaining."

IndustriALL’s aerospace sector prioritizes trade union rights in emerging economies

2 February, 2023At the end of January, IndustriALL affiliates in the aerospace sector met in Casablanca, Morocco, to discuss the industry and a strategic roadmap ahead. The region was chosen to emphasize the importance of emerging aerospace economies like Mexico, India and the MENA region, mainly Morocco and Tunisia.

Democracy must be returned to Myanmar

27 January, 2023It’s been two years since the military seized power in Myanmar. As workers risk their lives to restore democracy, we must continue to voice opposition and demonstrate solidarity support.

Organizing is our key to changing the balance of power

20 January, 2023The global elite has met again in Davos, Switzerland, this week, after a break of a few years due to Covid – and they are richer than ever.