Nokia - Siemens Networks India workers’ strike continues8 October, 2012About 250 workers of Nokia Siemens Networks India Pvt Ltd located at Oragadam, near Chennai have been on strike since 22 August 2012 demanding trade union rights and the right to collective bargaining.
Rio Tinto poisons steel industry sustainability14 June, 2012At the latest meeting of the OECD Steel Committee workers' representatives voiced concerns over the sustainability of the steel industry when major suppliers such as Rio Tinto continue to abuse workers' rights and ignore public warnings.
Conflict at Merck Serono, Switzerland ends with a Social Plan13 August, 2012Merck Serono employees in Geneva, Switzerland voted last week to accept a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) that brings to a close the long struggle by IndustriALL Global Union’s Swiss affiliate UNIA to put “Workers before Shareholders!”
IndustriALL questions Rio Tinto’s role in Paraguay30 July, 2012Immediately resuming negotiations for a $4 billion aluminium plant in Paraguay following the coup d’état, IndustriALL Global Union calls upon Rio Tinto to publicly disclose its interest and involvement, if any, in the coup d’état in Paraguay and the ousting of a legitimately elected democratic government of Fernando Lugo.
Siemens GFA put to early test in the US28 August, 2012The new Global Framework Agreement (GFA) with electronics multinational Siemens is being put to the test in a USW organizing drive at a plant in Maryland, USA. Join the LabourStart campaign to support workers threatened by company-hired union busters ahead of a 6 September vote.
Sri Lankan trade unions act to protect social security fund18 October, 2012Trade unions in Sri Lanka have taken legal action to question the government’s move to invest the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) in unstable companies.
Gerdau Workers’ Network unites for rights in Colombia2 November, 2012See the new campaign leaflet of the Gerdau Workers’ World Council, one of the most active worker networks of IndustriALL affiliates, taking united action to defend the rights of Gerdau workers in Colombia.
European unions protest against Ford plant closures1 November, 2012Unions mobilize in response to Ford Motor Co.'s bitter news last week that almost 6,000 workers in Belgium and the UK are to lose their jobs in the coming years as part of its announced restructuring of European operations.
Unions secure employment at Indesit in Italy16 October, 2012A long fight started by the workers in May 2012 against the closure of an Indesit factory in None, Italy has been finalized with an agreement signed between unions representing workers of None plant and Indesit.
IndustriALL and Tchibo sign framework agreement strengthening workers’ rights across the supply chain27 September, 2016Today, IndustriALL Global Union and Tchibo signed a global framework agreement in Hamburg, empowering workers and unions at Non Food supplier companies of Tchibo to bargain collectively on wages, social benefits and working hours in their companies and across the industry.