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Showing 361-370 of 399 results

Workers invade streets in London

25 October, 2012150,000 people came to London on 20 October 2012 to participate in union-organized actions against austerity imposed by the government.

Lively debate strengthens IndustriALL’s trade union networks and GFAs

18 October, 2012IndustriALL Global Union affiliates confirm their commitment on trade union networks and global framework agreements (GFAs), after lively and substantive debates at a thematic world conference in Frankfurt.

Sri Lankan trade unions act to protect social security fund

18 October, 2012Trade unions in Sri Lanka have taken legal action to question the government’s move to invest the Employees’ Provident Fund (EPF) in unstable companies.

New union in Canada takes shape

17 October, 2012Two unions in Canada, CEP and CAW, are planning to join their forces and create the largest new union in the private sector of Canada, representing the collective interests of 300,000 workers in 22 economic sectors.

Commitment to Trade Union Networks and Global Framework Agreements

17 October, 2012IndustriALL Global Union’s commitment to building and establishing trade union networks and Global Framework Agreements (GFAs) was reaffirmed at the thematic conference on these issues held upon invitation of IG Metall on 17-18 October in Frankfurt, with over 120 participants from 30 countries, from all regions and all industrial sectors.

Unions secure employment at Indesit in Italy

16 October, 2012A long fight started by the workers in May 2012 against the closure of an Indesit factory in None, Italy has been finalized with an agreement signed between unions representing workers of None plant and Indesit.

Nokia - Siemens Networks India workers’ strike continues

8 October, 2012About 250 workers of Nokia Siemens Networks India Pvt Ltd located at Oragadam, near Chennai have been on strike since 22 August 2012 demanding trade union rights and the right to collective bargaining.

Each one, teach one!

27 September, 2012A four-day workshop for organizers and activists from the auto sector was held in St Petersburg, Russia, from 14 to 17 September.

Syngenta Pakistan refuses to regularize 50 contract workers

27 September, 2012Swiss-based agrichemicals multinational Syngenta has behaved disgracefully in Pakistan since sacking the company-level union’s General Secretary in December 2010. During a very long legal battle for the right of 50 workers to permanent employment, management has rejected the judgements of numerous labour courts, ruling in favour of the workers.

Egyptian Schlumberger union launches website

25 September, 2012Embattled workers at oilfield services company Schlumberger in Egypt have struggled to exercise their right to organize since April 2011, in face of strong union-busting by management. In spite of considerable obstacles the enterprise-level union has just launched its own website and continues to push for workers’ rights.