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Chilean workers discuss new trade union structure

8 November, 2012A further step is made towards building a new unifying trade union structure for stronger collective bargaining in Chile.

MENA auto unions meet in Morocco as car industry booms

14 April, 2016Over 60 participants representing automotive workers in several transnational companies (TNCs) and their suppliers in the MENA region, gathered in Casablanca on 15 and 16 of March 2016 to look at ways of improving working conditions in the auto supply chain. 

Honduran garment workers under attack

26 March, 2015IndustriALL Global Union is supporting unionists from its affiliate, the independent federation of Honduran workers (FITH), to tackle a garment export company with a long and brutal history of union-busting. 

IndustriALL proposes ethical partnership with TATA Steel

19 September, 2012IndustriALL Global Union’s network in Tata Steel will seek to develop an ethical partnership with company management at a meeting in Bangkok, Thailand later this month.

32,000 Indian steel workers organized since 2010

14 March, 2013Through IndustriALL Global Union’s organizing project known as “More members, fewer unions” two Indian affiliates, the INMF and SMEFI, organized over 32,000 new members between 2010 and 2012.

IndustriALL calls for legal and fair elections at PKC Mexico

13 August, 2012Elections at PKC are due to be held in September, when workers will choose which union they want to represent them, the miners’ union or the CTM. The workers have accused the company of threatening them and putting pressure on them to go back to work.

IndustriALL and Rio Tinto make joint mission to Madagascar

9 February, 2018In a first for the mining industry, IndustriALL Global Union undertook a joint mission with Rio Tinto to the company’s QMM Ilmenite operation in Fort Dauphin, Madagascar from 30 to 31 January 2018.

Young workers organizing drives in Ghana show strength of solidarity

8 October, 2020Building union strength in the post-Covid-19 workplace is a top priority for trade unions in Ghana. As lockdown regulations become less strict on meetings, unions are going to factories and workplaces to recruit and organize more workers.

Tenaris/Ternium: Unions escalate struggle as chairman indicted in bribery case

28 November, 2018IndustriALL Global Union affiliates from around the world developed a plan to counter Tenaris and Ternium workers’ rights violations as the billionaire chairman of both companies was indicted in a bribery case.

Three Zimbabwean textile, garment, shoe, and leather unions merge

16 September, 2021After years of negotiating for a merger, three IndustriALL Global Union affiliates organizing in the textile, garment, shoe, and leather sectors held their inaugural congress in Harare on 12 September to form the Clothing, Leather and Textile Workers’ Federation (CLTWF).