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Moroccan miners end underground protest

21 December, 2020As negotiations with the employer over a breached agreement have started, the 100 mine workers in Morocco who spent the last ten days 700 metres underground have suspended their sit-in.

SPECIAL REPORT: Campaigning for safer working conditions in Zimbabwe’s artisanal and small-scale mining

6 May, 2021Campaigns by trade unions, civil society organizations and mine affected communities for the formalization of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) are meant to end the deadly working conditions of the miners in Zimbabwe. In addition, formalization will introduce decent working conditions.

Workers at Petrobras Brazil condemn union busting

8 April, 2021In the face of union busting, Brazilian oil workers' union FUP is striking to protect workers' rights and is demanding safe and decent working conditions.

Covid-19 spreads in Myanmar’s factories

25 August, 2021Two members of Industrial Workers’ Federation of Myanmar (IWFM) have died from Covid-19 and more than 100 of factory-level union leaders have been infected, as the health protocols on handling the Covid pandemic are being largely ignored.

Sign the Accord, Levi’s!

30 June, 2022Last week, IndustriALL affiliates Bangladesh Garment and Industrial Workers Federation and US Workers United joined United Students Against Sweatshops, Model Alliance, Remember the Triangle Fire Coalition, the Interfaith Center on Corporate Responsibility at Levi’s flagship store in Times Square in New York City, to call on the denim giant to join the International Accord.

South African mineworkers discuss strategies to prevent injuries and deaths from mine accidents

6 August, 2022The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) national health and safety committee met on 4 August in Johannesburg to discuss the impact of the union’s health and safety campaigns and training programmes in the mining, energy, construction, and metals’ industries.

Health and safety is now a fundamental principle

13 June, 2022In a landmark decision, the International Labour Conference, held in Geneva in June, has added health and safety to the ILO Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work.

Madagascar’s revised mining code must include workers’ and human rights

31 August, 2022Unions in Madagascar are concerned that the mining code – the country’s legal framework for mining development – is silent on workers’ and human rights. Revising the mining code provides the government with the opportunity to include the creation of decent jobs, protection of workers’ rights including for women miners, living wages, social dialogue, and social protection.

Kenya glass workers win after strike for living wages and safety gear

15 September, 2022After a strike for living wages and personal protective equipment, workers at Future East Africa Cooperation (FEAC) negotiated a collective bargaining agreement to improve wages and health and safety at work.

Textile unions in MENA campaign for social protection

29 September, 2022IndustriALL affiliates in Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia, Egypt and Palestine have launched a campaign to fight for social protection and for better health and safety standards in the region’s textile, garment and shoe factories.