2010 Pike River tragedy “accident waiting to happen”8 November, 2012Almost two years after the tragic mine accident at Pike River, New Zealand that killed 29 miners, the Royal Commission of Inquiry published its damning report this week illustrating an “unrelenting picture of failure at virtually every level”.
Supervisor killed in a protest at Zambian Collum Mine8 August, 2012A Chinese supervisor at Collum Coal Mine in Zambia was killed and another seriously wounded after being hit by a trolley pushed at them by workers on 4 August 2012. Workers were angry that the mining company had failed to raise wages in line with new minimums set by the Zambian government.
Mining accident in South Africa kills 5 workers6 July, 2012On 2 July, five workers were killed and 14 others were hospitalized for smoke inhalation at the KDC West mine operated by Gold Fields in South Africa, when a fire broke out. The National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) put the blame on poor mine management. NUM will conduct a memorial service for the deceased in their memory which is attended by the all the workers at the mine.