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Showing 11-20 of 130 results

Health and safety as a strategic organizing tool

17 November, 2022Unions in South East Asia met last month to discuss how to use occupational health and safety (OHS) as a strategy to organize workers and build strong unions, protecting workers from a hazardous working environment.

10 workers still trapped following Mexico mine collapse

11 August, 202210 workers remain trapped underground following a mine collapse on 3 August in the municipality of Sabinas, in Coahuila, northern Mexico.

Poland’s mines claim more lives

26 April, 2022Within a week, Poland’s coal mining region has been the scene of two deadly accidents, claiming the lives of both workers and rescuers. The tragic accidents show the urgent need for safe mining and Poland’s ratification of ILO Convention 176 on Safety and Health in Mines.

Union calls for ratification of ILO Convention 176 after explosion kills 13 and destroys Ghana village

28 January, 2022A truck carrying mining explosives from Tarkwa to Chirano Gold Mines was involved in a road accident on 20 January. The impact of the crash led to an explosion that killed 13 people and injured over 50 others in the mining community of Appiatse.

Carnage continues in Pakistan’s mines as IndustriALL meets with government representatives

17 December, 2021Representatives of IndustriALL Global Union met with the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of the Pakistani government at the Permanent Mission in Geneva on 14 December, to address the ongoing carnage in the country’s coal mines.

Mining unions engage governments for the implementation of ILO Convention 176

17 November, 2021IndustriALL affiliates in South East Asia’s mine sector vow to continue engaging governments in social dialogue and call for ILO Convention 176 on Safety and Health in Mines to be implemented.

The fatally hazardous environment in Pakistan’s largely unregulated coal mines

31 May, 2021With the government reluctant to ratify ILO C176, Pakistan’s miners are condemned to work in death traps.

Women miners confronting gender inequality together

28 May, 2021Confronting gender inequality and promoting a transformative agenda for women in the mining industry are some of the issues discussed at the IndustriALL’s first global network meeting for women in mining, which brought together 100 participants, mainly women miners, from 16 countries.

CIS unions demand improved health and safety in mines

25 May, 2021When 60 participants from ten mining unions in seven CIS countries met on 20 May, the need for ratification and proper implementation of ILO Convention 176 on health and safety in mines was discussed.

SPECIAL REPORT: Campaigning for safer working conditions in Zimbabwe’s artisanal and small-scale mining

6 May, 2021Campaigns by trade unions, civil society organizations and mine affected communities for the formalization of artisanal and small-scale mining (ASM) are meant to end the deadly working conditions of the miners in Zimbabwe. In addition, formalization will introduce decent working conditions.