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Showing 41-50 of 1756 results

GM workers in Colombia and Ecuador condemn plant shutdowns

22 May, 2024General Motors (GM) is closing plants in Colombia and Ecuador in a move to drive the industry towards an emissions-free future. Workers are demanding  job stability during the transition and calling for re-skilling.

Malaysia’s booming electronics industry leaves little room for workers’ rights

21 May, 2024Malaysia has become a hotspot for global electronics and semiconductor investment, with country's electrical and electronics export seeing a sharp increase of 54.2 per cent. However, the surge of electronics and semiconductor investment in Malaysia is sharply contrasted with low unionization; only six per cent of all Malaysian workers are unionized, the majority in the public sector.

Union protests massive job loss at gold mines in South Africa

16 May, 2024On 11 May, hundreds of workers from the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) marched and petitioned multinational mining corporation Sibanye Stillwater over the loss of 4,022 jobs at its gold mining operations.

IndustriALL condemns murder of USO member in Colombia

16 May, 2024Young worker Jhon Jarry Vargas Sarabia has been murdered in Colombia. IndustriALL and Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) call on the authorities to investigate the motives behind the killing.

Campaign for a binding UN treaty

15 May, 2024Heading into the 10th round of the treaty negotiations at the UN Human Rights Council in October 2024, the global unions and the ITUC are calling on all member states to engage in the process to secure a treaty that delivers for the millions of workers in global supply chains.

Argentinian unions bring country to a standstill in defence of labour rights

14 May, 2024Together with other workers in the country, IndustriALL affiliates in Argentina staged an extraordinary national work stoppage on 9 May, protesting against the government and employers who are promoting the removal of established labour and social rights.

Bangladeshi affiliates stand united in the fight for workers’ rights

13 May, 2024On 28 April, IndustriALL organised a workshop on human rights due diligence with affiliates in Bangladesh. The workshop aimed to develop an understanding of due diligence obligations that multinational companies have in their global supply chains.

Italy: union win for Enel workers

13 May, 2024Three Italian unions affilitated to IndustriALL, namely Federazione Italiana Lavoratori Chimica Tessile Energia Manifatture (FILCTEM-CGIL), Federazione Lavoratori Aziende Elettriche Italiana (FLAEI-CISL) and Unione Italiana Lavoratori Tessile Energia e Chimica (UILTEC-UIL), ended their strike at Enel after months of negotiations with management who had intentions to redefine the industrial relations model. The unions and Enel management reached an agreement in late April. 

Will Africa’s transition minerals create green jobs?

8 May, 2024With abundant transition mineral resources in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) estimated at 30 per cent, by the International Energy Agency, what are the prospects for these minerals to create millions of the much-needed green jobs?

Union organizing under attack

8 May, 2024Union busting is a real threat to organizing, where the employer puts money behind sophisticated tactics to scare workers into voting against the union.