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Showing 51-60 of 1756 results

IndustriALL and allies raise red flags to investors ahead of Glencore AGM

8 May, 2024Last week, IndustriALL co-hosted, along with the Global Unions’ Committee on Workers’ Capital (CWC), Fair Finance International and Oxfam, a webinar entitled “Below the Surface: Governance Risks and ESG Issues at Glencore”. Aimed at Glencore shareholders, the well-attended event allowed investors to hear directly from those affected by the company’s operations. With Glencore’s annual general meeting coming up in less than a month, the webinar laid out multiple issues for investors to raise in their engagement with the company.

Support a YES to UAW at Mercedes-Benz in Alabama

7 May, 2024On 13-17 May, workers at the Mercedes plant in Alabama, US - the only Mercedes plant in the world without union representation - will for the first time vote for a union, to join the UAW. What our Mercedes colleagues in Alabama need now is our solidarity to know that they are not alone.

Union forced out of May Day celebrations in Zimbabwe

3 May, 2024Five trade unionists from the Zimbabwe Diamond and Allied Minerals Workers Union (ZDAMWU) were threatened and chased away at gun point by more than 20 thugs, while they were setting up for the Workers Day celebrations at a stadium at Bikita Minerals on 1 May. 

Mercedes workers stand up!

2 May, 2024On 13-17 May, workers at the Mercedes plant in Alabama, USA - the only Mercedes plant in the world without union representation - will for the first time vote for a union. According to US legislation, it takes a majority of the workforce to vote in favour of an election for it to take place. In a blatant show of disrespect for democracy and fundamental workers’ rights, the employer is engaging in heavy, scare-mongering union busting to influence the upcoming vote.

Pharmatec Pakistan unlawfully fires workers

26 April, 2024Contrary to a court order, 22 union members of the Pakistan Federation of Chemical, Energy, Mine, and General Workers Union (PCEM), affiliated to IndustriALL, have been fired by their employer, Pharmatec Pakistan.

The stronger the union, the safer the workplace

25 April, 2024A staggering more than 3 million workers die every year because of their work, and tens of millions are injured. Health and safety in the workplace is a crucial right, all too often ignored, which is why IndustriALL has put the spotlight on both failures and successes in the month leading up to 28 April, International Workers’ Memorial Day. 

Amazon: Stop free-riding on worker safety, sign the Accord today!

25 April, 2024IndustriALL Global Union and Uni Global Union are calling on Amazon to sign the International Accord for Health and Safety in the Textile and Garment Industry.

Rana Plaza anniversary: MEPs must support due diligence today!

23 April, 2024Today, marks the anniversary of the 2013 industrial homicide that killed more than 1,100 people and injured thousands more, as the Rana Plaza collapsed onto garment workers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. This year, the anniversary coincides with the final vote in the European Parliament on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive, which, if adopted, would make the respect of environmental standards, human rights including workers’ rights mandatory along global value chains.

Respect ILO standards in EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement

22 April, 2024IndustriALL Global Union and industriALL European Trade Union calls on the European Union (EU) to ensure that International Labour Standards are respected in the EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreement negotiations.

Shipping companies’ lifeline to Myanmar junta demonstrates disdain for human rights

22 April, 2024Unions slam shipping giants for sustaining regime, including Maersk’s hollow claim of performing ‘heightened human rights due diligence’.