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Showing 1481-1490 of 1863 results

IndustriALL delegates agree actions and strategies for Latin America and the Caribbean

14 April, 2015More than 80 delegates from 14 countries attended the second IndustriALL Global Union Latin America and Caribbean regional meeting on 9 April in Mexico. Participants agreed on a series of actions and strategies over the coming months to achieve their objectives.

Honeywell lockout in the US ends with new agreement

13 April, 2015Members of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 7-669 voted to ratify a new three-year collective agreement at the Honeywell nuclear power plant in Metropolis, Illinois. The agreement ends a seven-month lockout covering 150 union members.

IndustriALL calls on Ecopetrol to reinstate dismissed USO leader

7 April, 2015Edwin Palma, USO vice president, was dismissed by the Colombian oil company Ecopetrol on 27 March after he used social networks to publicise the salaries of company managers. IndustriALL Global Union considers the dismissal to have been unfair and illegal and is calling for Palma’s immediate reinstatement.

IndustriALL calls on Rolls-Royce to reinstate Korean unionists

26 March, 2015IndustriALL Global Union has called on Rolls-Royce Marine Korea in Busan to immediately reinstate 12 sacked trade unionists, after the city’s labour commission ruled the dismissals were unlawful.

Global Labour University launches free online course

25 March, 2015The Global Labour University has launched a free online course on Workers’ Rights in a Global Economy aimed at trade unionists and activists. 

Colombia - declaration of indefinite strike

18 March, 2015Workers in Colombia’s mining and energy sectors face anti-trade union practices, persecution and unfair dismissal. The Coordinating Committee for Trade Union Unity in the Mining and Energy Sectors (CUSME), including the leaders of the three unions involved in the proposed merger, met on 12 and 13 March in Bogota to discuss the next steps in the creation of a national mining and energy union and declared an indefinite strike in the oil sector.

Ontario government opens inquiry into 18-month strike at Crown Holdings

17 March, 2015IndustriALL Global Union joins its North American affiliate, the United Steelworkers (USW), in welcoming the decision of the Ontario Government to open an inquiry into an 18-month strike over wages and conditions at Crown Holdings in Toronto.

Metalworkers mobilize against redundancies at Tenaris Dalmine in Italy

12 March, 2015In an exemplary show of solidarity, all workers at the Dalmine factory of the Tenaris group in Italy held a one-day strike and a rally in front of plant's the three main entrances on 10 March in protest against 406 redundancies announced by the company.

CTM goons viciously assault Mexican miners’ organizer

11 March, 2015A union activist of the IndustriALL Mexican affiliate National Miners’ Union SNTMMSRM, also known as Los Mineros, has been severely beaten at the Gunderson railcar plant owned by the Greenbrier companies in Monclova, Coahuila state of Mexico.

Filipino government in dialogue with cement unions

6 March, 2015Labour ministry officials in the Philippines have been in dialogue with the country’s cement unions, recognizing them as social partners in the merger of cement giants Holcim and Lafarge, and aimed at preserving jobs.