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Showing 21-30 of 1851 results

Apple workers join US union

21 June, 2022Over 100 employees at one of Apple’s stores in Maryland, USA, have voted overwhelmingly in favour of joining a union, IndustriALL affiliate International Association of Machinists and Aerospace Workers (IAM).

Madagascar’s revised mining code must include workers’ and human rights

31 August, 2022Unions in Madagascar are concerned that the mining code – the country’s legal framework for mining development – is silent on workers’ and human rights. Revising the mining code provides the government with the opportunity to include the creation of decent jobs, protection of workers’ rights including for women miners, living wages, social dialogue, and social protection.

Apple supplier in Malaysia must immediately stop union busting

13 September, 2022Malaysia’s Electronics Industry Employees’ Union Northern Region (EIEUNR) is launching an online petition to call on Apple supplier Molex to stop union-busting and to respect, workers' right to choose their own union and bargain collectively with the employer.

Kenya glass workers win after strike for living wages and safety gear

15 September, 2022After a strike for living wages and personal protective equipment, workers at Future East Africa Cooperation (FEAC) negotiated a collective bargaining agreement to improve wages and health and safety at work.

Textile unions in MENA campaign for social protection

29 September, 2022IndustriALL affiliates in Morocco, Jordan, Tunisia, Egypt and Palestine have launched a campaign to fight for social protection and for better health and safety standards in the region’s textile, garment and shoe factories.

We want a Just Future and an end to inequality!

11 October, 2022Working people everywhere are facing a cost of living crisis, with wage rises not meeting soaring inflation and rising energy costs, combined with attacks on unions and workers’ rights. In the face of the growing inequality crisis, unions from the Philippines and Bangladesh to Tanzania and Peru, took action on 7 October, World Day for Decent Work, to demand a better future.

IndustriALL forms a union network in the semiconductors industry

16 September, 2022On 24 August IndustriALL hosted an online strategy-building conference on building union power among unions that organise in multinational companies and supply chains in the electronics industry.  Over 40 delegates from 16 countries joined the conference representing workers of semiconductor producers and their supply chain. This was the first meeting of the semiconductors’ network, which will also include the earlier created NXP and ST Microelectronics union networks.

Union leaders from Latin America discuss how to stop gender-based violence

21 September, 2022On 13 September, more than 80 union leaders from across Latin America and the Caribbean came together online to discuss their role in IndustriALL's campaign to eliminate gender-based violence in the workplace and in unions.

OECD Steel Committee: workers demand a Just Transition!

22 September, 2022IndustriALL Global Union, industriAll Europe and TUAC call on OECD Steel Committee to take action now to ensure that no steelworker is left behind.

SKF World Union Council meets with top management

7 October, 2022In the first face-to-face meeting in many years, the SKF European Works Council (EWC), World Union Council (WUC), and SKF top management met in Gothenburg, Sweden, to discuss the company’s strategy and future.