Make Conventions 87 and 98 core agenda in EU-Thailand free trade talks 3 December, 2024Thai unionists have called on the EU and the Thai government to include ILO Conventions 87 and 98 in the EU-Thailand Free Trade Agreements to safeguard labour rights.
Kazakh unions demand decent wages 13 November, 2024Kazakh trade unions affiliated with IndustriALL Global Union are callong for wage increases amid the declining purchasing power of workers. The demand was voiced during a meeting in the Kazakh capital Astana on 17 October, attended by representatives from unions, including the Mining and Metallurgical Trade Union Qazaqmetal, and the Industry Trade Union of Chemical, Petrochemical, and Related Industries Qazhimprofsoyuz.
Raising awareness of EIS in Bangladesh22 October, 2024The employment injury scheme (EIS) is a social protection programme in Bangladesh which includes compensation for medical treatment and rehabilitation services, as well as income loss caused by occupational injuries and disease. Together with the International Labour Organisation and GIZ, IndustriALL Global Union held a series of awareness raising workshops on EIS for affiliates in Bangladesh.
Statement on the announcement by the Russian Federation that IndustriALL Global Union is an “undesirable organization”8 March, 2024 We have received information from private sources and public media that the Office of the Russian Federation Prosecutor General has declared IndustriALL Global Union as ‘undesirable organisation’. The reasons for this announcement have not been made public.
IndustriALL joins forces with the Global Coalition for Social Justice20 February, 2024To reinforce global efforts towards social justice and workers' rights, IndustriALL Global Union has joined the Global Coalition for Social Justice, led by the International Labour Organization (ILO).
5 reasons why we still need the right to strike 7 February, 2024The right to strike is an essential part of freedom of association. Most strikes are for increased pay and better working conditions. If the right to strike is removed, corporations would make bigger profits, workers would get lower wages and working conditions will worsen.
Violation of trade union rights in Kyrgyzstan 25 October, 2023For several years, there has been a systematic campaign aimed at establishing state control over trade unions in Kyrgyzstan. Now, Kyrgyzstan’s secret service has visited the country’s union offices to seize the last ten years’ financial documents, in blatant contradiction of the Constitution of Kyrgyzstan and the ILO Conventions ratified by the country.
Kyrgyzstan's ongoing struggle for fundamental workers' rights 6 September, 2023Trade unions in Kyrgyzstan have been fighting for fundamental workers’ rights for years, and recently freedom of expression in the country was also undermined. Despite some changes following a complaint filed at the ILO, a lot of work remains.
Sri Lankan unions protest against government’s anti-worker decisions31 August, 2023Unions in Sri Lanka, including IndustriALL affiliates, organized a protest march in Colombo on 28 August to call out the government’s decision to restructure domestic debt using workers’ savings.
Malaysian union calls on government to respect ILO decision and reinstate workers 21 August, 2023Malaysia’s National Union of Transport Equipment and Allied Industries Workers (NUTEAIW) is urging Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim to provide remedy for the five unionists unfairly dismissed by Hicom Automotive Manufacturers.