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Showing 511-520 of 646 results

Kimberly Clark workers in Turkey on strike

27 June, 2014Around 230 members of IndustriALL Global Union’s Turkish affiliate Tümka-İş, the All Paper & Cellulose Industry Workers' Union, have gone on strike for better wages and working conditions.

IndustriALL affiliates show solidarity for Samsung workers

26 June, 2014Participants at IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee in Geneva today (26 June) made a stand against Samsung in support of Korean workers who are fighting for the right to join a union and earn a living wage.

Employers deny the international right to strike

19 June, 2014At the International Labour Conference (ILC) in June 2014, during the discussions in the Committee on Application of Standards, the Employers’ Group persisted to deny that the right to strike forms part of the ILO Convention 87, thus undermining the decades’ long practice of international law application.

Prestigious Norwegian award for Mexican trade union struggle

13 June, 2014At the ceremony for the Arthur Svensson International Prize for trade union rights in Oslo, winner Napoleón Gómez Urrutia’s wife accepted the award on his behalf. With death threats and arrest orders hanging over his head, the Mexican trade union leader remained in Canada.

IndustriALL and IUF join BWI and demand a “Red Card” for FIFA

13 June, 2014As the world geared up for the start of the FIFA World Cup in Brazil, IndustriALL Global Union joined global federations IUF and BWI in a protest action at the International Labour Conference (ILC) in Geneva, which ran from 28 May to 12 June.

Birlesik Metal-Is fights against union busting by M&T Reklam

12 June, 2014Workers at M&T Reklam, a major Turkish producer of advertising and point-of-sale displays, are fighting back against the mass sackings of union members in a series of pickets at two of the company’s plants.

Stop regression to Korea's authoritarian past!

4 June, 2014IndustriALL and its afffiliate Korean Metal Workers' Union calls on South Korean President Park Geun-hye to take immediate measures to implement labour supervisory mechanisms to stop Samsung labour repression and ensure it collectively bargains with the KMWU local to conclude a living wage and collective agreement.

PROFILE: Fighting for women in the DRC

21 May, 2014The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is torn apart by conflict fuelled by powerful foreign interests in its great mineral wealth. Josée Shimbi Umba is First Deputy General Secretary responsible for women’s issues at the Council of Metalworkers Unions of the DRC (CSC), fighting for the rights of women in an environment of extreme exploitation and abuse.

Rising death toll turns mine accident in Turkey to carnage

14 May, 2014IndustriALL Global Union and its worldwide family mourn the deaths of hundreds of mineworkers in Soma, Manisa province in Western Turkey. As of the time of writing, 205 miners are dead and more than 80 are hospitalized. Rescue efforts continue to safeguard hundreds more miners trapped underground. Oxygen is still being pumped into the mine, however hopes are diminishing.

Crown campaign finds support in Italy and France

13 May, 2014The representatives of the USW Local 9176 members leading a heroic fight in Toronto, Canada against the food and beverage package producer multinational Crown Holdings rendered a visit of solidarity to their colleagues working for the company factories in Italy and France.