ILO issues recommendations to Russia and Belarus22 November, 2012The International Labour Organization's Committee on Freedom of Association issued recommendations to Russia and Belarus on cases 2758 and 2090 initiated on the basis of complaints submitted by national unions with the support of IndustriALL Global Union.
South African workers' protest violently put down at Xstrata14 November, 2012In the third incident of violent police action at Xstrata’s South African Kroondal operations in a week, police fired on mineworkers during a protest on 13 November, arresting 37 including shop stewards.
The struggle continues at Zesa8 November, 2012IndustriALL Assistant General Secretary Fernando Lopes visited Zimbabwe to give support to the Zimbabwean Energy Workers Union (Zewu) battling violations of worker and trade union rights at the state owned utility Zesa.
IndustriALL-LabourStart-Amnesty International-PRODESC join forces for Mexican miners8 November, 2012Under a joint banner of IndustriALL, LabourStart, Amnesty International, and Mexican NGO PRODESC, an online petition was launched yesterday decrying the forceful demolition of a workers’ protest camp at Excellon’s La Platosa mine, Mexico.
Dismissals continue at Honda Mexico as STUHM fights for workers’ rights18 October, 2012The Sindicato de Trabajadores Unidos de Honda Mexico (STUHM) is claiming the right (known as titularidad) to negotiate a collective agreement with the company on the grounds that it represents a majority of Honda workers. It is also demanding an end to the persecution of its leaders and the reinstatement of dismissed workers.
Colombian oil workers’ union under increasing pressure18 October, 2012IndustriALL Global Union firmly condemns the death threats addressed to representatives of Unión Sindical Obrera (USO) and the acts of repression and intimidation recently perpetrated in Colombia by security and intelligence forces, despite a new government order for negotiations.
Murder of unionists condemned as labour unrest spreads in South Africa’s mines11 October, 2012IndustriALL strongly condemns the murders of several shopfloor leaders belonging to the National Union of Mineworkers (NUM) in this trying time for industrial relations in South Africa and amidst spreading labour unrest in the mining sector.
FID challenges IAM Gold dismissals in Burkina Faso11 October, 2012Federation des Industries Diverses du Burkina (FID), an IndustriALL Global Union affiliate, will represent 61 of the 74 workers dismissed by IAM Gold on 10 May 2012 at the labour court.
IndustriALL and UAW demand justice for Ssangyong workers10 October, 2012Three years since the shocking violence at Ssangyong Motor in Korea, with more than 100 subsequent imprisonments and 23 deaths, workers and their families are demanding justice.
IndustriALL joins with Ssangyong workers in demand for justice10 October, 2012In 2009 the South Korean government shocked the international community by its use of lethal force against the Ssangyong Motor workers. At the time, the workers were in a 77-day sit-down strike calling for negotiations on work-sharing measures to avoid mass dismissals.