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Showing 511-520 of 646 results

UAW leads pickets for decent jobs at Flex-N-Gate

14 February, 2013The United Autoworkers (UAW) mobilized together with non-union workers simultaneously at seven plants across the US on 13 February, together calling on their employer Flex-N-Gate to respect their rights to decent work and trade union rights.

Persecution of trade unions continues in Colombia: USO leader detained

14 November, 2013Darío Cárdenas Pachón, vice-president of the oil workers’ union, Union Sindical Obrera (USO) in Villavicencio, in the department of Meta, Colombia, was detained in the department on 2 November in response to a court order issued by the first criminal court, which accuses him, without foundation, of obstruction of the public highway, damage to natural resources and aggravated damage to private property.

Serious dispute at cardboard company in Honduras

29 October, 2013IndustriALL has offered its solidarity to 70 members of its Honduran affiliate, the FITH. They were sacked for protesting at the anti-trade union actions taken by their employer, the Korean cardboard company, Corporación Cartonera 3j Fenix, located in Villanueva, a municipality in the department of Cortés. IndustriALL has called on the Ministry of Labour to intervene and resolve the dispute.

IndustriALL Executives condemn Samsung for union busting

5 December, 2013Today at the international body meeting, IndustriALL Executive Committee members unanimously approved a petition condemning Samsung Electronics for union busting policy.

Global unions call for ILO inquiry on Fiji

23 January, 2014IndustriALL Global Union calls upon its affiliates to join the campaign launched by the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), demanding to establish an ILO Commission of Inquiry to investigate the systematic violation of trade union rights in Fiji.

Unions set for global action against Cambodian embassies

7 February, 2014Global unions are mobilizing workers around the world to protest at Cambodian embassies on Monday 10 February, to demand the release of 23 activists seized during demonstrations in the Cambodian capital Phnom Penh in January.

Italian unions mobilize against dismissals at Micron Semiconductor

21 March, 2014IndustriALL Italian affiliates FIM, FIOM and UILM together with the employees are undertaking a series of protests and intensive mobilization with the goal of informing government agencies and involving the parent company in the negotiations.

Mexico and Colombia on IndustriALL’s critical list for severe worker violations

14 July, 2014Mexico and Colombia have been singled out for special attention by IndustriALL Global Union due to severe and systematic trade union violations against IndustriALL affiliates in both countries.

IndustriALL affiliates show solidarity for Samsung workers

26 June, 2014Participants at IndustriALL Global Union’s Executive Committee in Geneva today (26 June) made a stand against Samsung in support of Korean workers who are fighting for the right to join a union and earn a living wage.

Bangladesh: 701 garment workers fired after Eid

29 August, 2019701 workers have been laid off without any prior information at SF Denim Apparels in Dhaka, Bangladesh, as they came back after the Eid holiday.