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Showing 551-560 of 633 results

Belarusian trade union leader freed

4 October, 2017Ihar Komlik was released on 2 October 2017 after making a written undertaking not to leave the country. A trade union leader and chief accountant of the Belarusian Radio and Electronics Industry Workers’ Union (REP), an affiliate of IndustriALL, Komlik has been in custody for two months since 2 August. The criminal investigation against him and Gennady Fedynich continues.

Ukrainian miners face searches and strong pressure

7 December, 2017IndustriALL affiliate the Independent Trade Union of Miners of Ukraine (NGPU) reports that union members are placed under pressure and have their labour rights violated at mines owned by Evraz Sukha Balka in the Dnepropetrovsk region of Ukraine. Private security employed by the company regularly conducts searches of workers.

Iran: 10 detained after protests over unpaid wages of 4,000 steel workers

6 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union is calling for the immediate release of ten steel mill workers detained after protests against unpaid wages of 4,000 workers at the Iran National Steel Industrial Group in Ahvaz. 

Zambia: Dangote confronted over union busting

22 March, 2018IndustriALL affiliates, the National Union of Commercial and Industrial Workers and the Mineworkers Union of Zambia are fighting against African multinational cement company, Dangote, for violating workers’ rights to organize, freedom of association, and for failing to recognize collective bargaining rights.

Algeria: Threats soar against democratic unions after ILC

20 June, 2018Severe labour rights’ violations continue in Algeria with relentless pressure and intimidation against independent unions. It comes as the Algerian Minister for Labour, Mourad Zemali, has threatened to leave the International Labour Organization (ILO), following the Organization’s decision to send a high-level mission to meet independent unions in the country.

Precarious work destroying workers’ lives in Nigerian oil and gas industry

27 September, 2018Contract work and casualization of the oil and gas industry is having a dire impact on trade unions and the lives of workers in Nigeria, according to IndustriALL Global Union’s affiliates in African’s largest oil producing country.  

Union activists face new repression and attacks in Kazakhstan

23 November, 2018Early in November, Dmitry Seniyavskiy, a trade union leader of the local branch of the Fuel and Energy Workers' Union (FEWU) in the Karaganda Region was attacked and brutally beaten by a band of unidentified goons. FEWU leader Erlan Baltabai is under arrest on trumped-up accusations.

IndustriALL condemns union-busting factory closure in Bangladesh

1 September, 2016IndustriALL Global Union is calling on the Habib Fashions garment factory in Bangladesh to reopen, after it tried to block the registration of a trade union at the factory and subsequently shut down.

Rio Tinto undermining right to strike

16 March, 2016Rio Tinto has escalated a labour dispute at its aluminium smelter in Iceland by proposing that contractors be denied the right to strike. The company is also proposing to expand the use of lower paid contractors at the site.

Mexican union leader calls for immediate government action

9 June, 2016Mexican trade union leader, Napoleon Gomez, is calling for the Mexican government to take immediate action to stop the grave violations of trade union rights in the country.