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Showing 21-30 of 245 results

IndustriALL and BWI file OECD complaint against BHP Billiton and Vale

26 March, 2018IndustriALL Global Union and the Building and Wood Workers’ International (BWI) have filed a complaint against the British-Australian company, BHP Billiton, and Brazilian mining multinational, Vale S.A., under the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises.

Unions take action against precarious work at Shell

12 October, 2017Oil and gas unions representing workers at Shell operations in five continents took a stand against precarious work on 7 October, the World Day for Decent Work.

Honda workers meet in Mexico City

16 October, 2013On 30 September to 3 October an Automotive Industry Meeting was held jointly by IndustriALL Global Union and FES Mexico in Mexico City. After the meeting IndustriALL’s Fernando Lopes, Helmut Lense and Suzanna Miller facilitated a meeting between the high- level representatives from JAW and Honda Unions in Japan, and two representatives from the independent Honda Workers Union (STUHM) from the Jalisco plant in Mexico.

SPECIAL REPORT: Rio Tinto unsustainable business practice

27 November, 2013Claiming to abide by good corporate practice, mining giant Rio Tinto’s behaviour includes major disputes with trade unions, communities, regulatory authorities, as well as over indigenous people’s rights.

Senate postpones vote on Petrobras bill due to lack of debate

2 July, 2015The Brazilian Senate met on 30 June to vote on bill PLS 131/2015 under the Senate’s urgent business procedure, when a bill goes directly to a plenary vote without being examined by technical committees. The bill would remove Petrobras’ exclusive rights to exploit the Pre-Salt oilfields. However, the Senate decided to postpone voting as it felt a more detailed debate was necessary.

Colombian unionists in London to challenge mining multinationals

4 May, 2015Colombian trade union leaders travelled to London to tell the story of human rights violations against mineworkers, indigenous people, communities, and the environmental degradation caused by mining multinationals BHP Billiton, Glencore and Anglo American. 

Global unions demand social dialogue with LafargeHolcim

7 April, 2016IndustriALL Global Union is teaming up with sister organizations, the Building and Wood Workers International (BWI) and the European Federation of Building and Woodworkers (EFBWW), to launch an online petition calling on LafargeHolcim to respect workers’ rights and improve health and safety jointly with the trade unions .

Trade union alliance established at Smurfit Kappa

17 December, 2015Union representatives of workers at Europe’s biggest packaging company, Smurfit Kappa established a trade union alliance on 14 December.

AkzoNobel Latin American trade union network builds joint demands

18 December, 2015The network of trade unions at Dutch chemicals and paint company AkzoNobel conducted a two-day activity on 30 November and 1 December in São Paulo, Brazil, including a social dialogue session with company management.

BHP Billiton and Rio Tinto workers in Chile on 24 hour strikes

24 September, 2014Workers at Escondida, the world’s biggest copper mine, stopped work on 22 and 24 September in support of demands for improved working conditions.