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Nigerian unions and federal government agree on new minimum wage

25 July, 2024Trade union federations in Nigeria, the Nigeria Labour Congress (NLC) and the Trade Union Congress (TUC) signed a new minimum wage agreement of 70 000 Naira ($43) with the Federal Government of Nigeria on 18 July which will be reviewed after three years. 

Understanding living wages

29 May, 2024On 7-8 May, IndustriALL hosted a training workshop in Tunis, focusing on living wages and collective bargaining for unions representing Swedish companies in Tunisia's textile and garment sector. This initiative, conducted in collaboration with the Fédération Générale du Textile, de l'Habillement, Chaussure et Cuir (FGTHCC-UGTT), brought together approximately 20 unionists from companies like Autoliv, Sancella, and Alva.

IndustriALL and global brands sign legally-binding agreements supporting collective bargaining and improvements in wages

23 May, 2024In a breakthrough for the textile and garment industry in Cambodia, IndustriALL Global Union is signing legally binding agreements with global brands, for the first time achieving brand-supported collective bargaining agreements in the sector. 

Fighting for living wage in Malaysia and Philippines

5 April, 2024Malaysian and Philippine trade unionists expressed grave concern about the high cost of living and that they are united in demanding a living wage for workers and their families.

ILO agreement takes important step for living wages

21 March, 2024On 13 March, the International Labour Organization (ILO) reached an agreement on the living wage issue. The agreement, reached during a meeting of experts on wage policies, including living wages last month, was endorsed by the ILO’s Governing Body, last week. 

Nigerian unions protest increasing cost of living

28 February, 2024On 27 and 28 February thousands of Nigerian workers went on nationwide protests against the increasing cost of living caused by what unions summarize as anti-worker economic austerity measures, that were introduced by the Federal Government of Nigeria. 

Revised minimum wage in Bangladesh is not enough

28 February, 2024Last year, the minimum wage for Bangladesh’s ready made garment (RMG) was revised, but this year’s demand from the textile workers, who are involved in the production of the fabric, has gone unheard as last week, the wage board fixed the minimum wage for cotton textile sector workers at BDT10,000 (US$90).

Indian garment workers protest delay in wage increase

14 February, 2024On 12 February, the Garment and Fashion Workers’ Union (GAFWU), affiliated to IndustriALL through Unions United, protested outside the labour commissioner’s office in Chennai, India, against the prolonged delay in the notification of the new minimum wage.

20 per cent wage increase for textile workers in Tunisia

17 January, 2024Textile workers in Tunisia have received a 20 percent wage increase distributed over 2024, 2025 and 2026. The increase comes after an agreement on 12 January between IndustriALL affiliate Fédération Générale du Textile, de l'Habillement, Chaussure et Cuir - FGTHCC-UGTT and the employers’ organization Fédération Nationale du Textile FENATEX - UTICA.

Unions in Bangladesh demand revision of new minimum wage

16 November, 2023Minimum wage protests in Dhaka continue as workers’ demand of a higher minimum wage remains unmet. Police has been violently breaking down the protests and to date four workers have been killed and several others seriously injured. Police has registered over 60 criminal cases, in which nearly a hundred workers have been arrested, including six local union leaders.